Looks like i belong to Saggitarius, what are benefits of being one?
Optimistic, freedom-loving, jovial, good-humored, honest, straightforward, intellectual and philosophical.
Blindly optimistic, careless, irresponsible, superficial, tactless and restless.
Yeah, well, i can really realate to that
But, how come it can fit me pretty much?
To answer your question in a long winded way:
When I started primary school, I was told to keep a diary.. I did'nt.. later on in life, when I asked to my lass, Why dont you keep a diary? - Why would I do that? - Because if you did, you'd know how astrology books were written. Wadya mean? Well, hundreds of years ago, some kept a diary.. so did others.. eventually author's died, and some sad morbid person got it into their head to start collecting peoples diaries, and discovered by reading them, that the same things happen over and over, ya know, the repetitive cycles of life? Kinda like, if it rains tomorrow at 17.00hrs, the next year, it will do same plus 2 days. But you'd only spot these patterns if you kept the diary. Now imagine if this collection of diaries was thousands of years old, becoming the library of alexandra, what you just read was the reason it burned? The people who set fire to it just may have realised the damage that could be caused if people learned that there was only 12 types of people in existance. Of course, they had to cut out Orphicius, since the Sun dont go 'through' Orphicius, but is constantly 'RISING' 'in' Orphicius, as opposed to travelling 'through' the other 12 signs, and being superstitious, these folks got rid of the odd one out, being the 13th constellation which moves WITH and hence just as fast as the sun. Cant have folks seeing the Sun actually has something in common with the moon, being 13 cycles of 28 days, 2 x 2 weeks with or without tommorow's light on the face of the moon.
Example, as mentioned earlier.. When I first joined some local dating site, it used 'astrology' to determine people's matches, as they all do. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that 90% of dating site's use Carl Jung's book 'the 12 astrological types' to decide who you or I am, or who we are best matched with. All he did was amalgamate all the records doctors had of whatever happened to folks, and most importantly, WHEN.
So how does astrology seem to match whomever reads their horoscope? Throwing Cleverly written broad sentence's together does'nt always work when something happens, then a moment later, when you pick up a paper that say's 'told you so' - this could only come from years of research spanning THOUSANDS of years. Let's take the blood moon. Thousands of years ago some messiah came, fucked a few women while fuckin wi the mind's of men, then died like everyone else, but before he was to be, there was 4 blood moons in a row, A blood moon appearing red when the light of the Sun on the moon is partially blocked by the earth in a partial eclipse. The second coming of this messiah or whatever your flavour of recognition of, is apparently signified by the appearance of 4 blood moons in a row. At the present, we are under the 3rd blood moon this year, however, they have NOT been in a row, since the first two happened earlier in the year, the current one being 3-4 months after several other 'normal' moons. Will we actually see 4 in a row? Yes apparently, between 2014-2015, meaning, if I'm not mistaken, This may be the FIRST of four in a row. Probably not, but imagine this.. so after recording what we get up to for thousands of years, some dude get's the idea, well, lets write a book that controls the masses, and they'll say it's shit, and others will argue the opposite, but the author had enough information to plan thousands of years ahead, and build the army of dark brother's, never devided were they in the past, they knew the plan, and lived a so called 'good' life while fuckin wi people's heads.. Then one day one of the army said to the author, when they figure it out.. the author says, just when they give up all hope, there will be four blood moons.. and how do you know that? Because, apparently it happened before.
You have no knowledge of what went before, if you do, you know not to say a single word.
The rest is bollox to trap people into becomin.. well, slaves, useless to this planet.
Astrology is so accurate, because it has been recorded for thousands of years, whilst you probably think it's just a book.