I heard from some news report how the Brexit was actually inspired by Turkey's plan to move out of the union. Well this I just heard from a friend so I won't be surprised if it's not reliable at all.
Turkey isn't IN the European Union! The fear was they might join (they've started informal talks because Merkel is buttering them up due to the migrant crisis)
Doubt they will be allowed to join. Maybe some day but not any time soon. And not while juncker is around. Dialogue between eu and turkey has been going on for decades. With only some progress. Some countries don't like the idea of turkey in the eu like germany, greece, etc. There is some popular opposition to it too. And fears of more migrants, difficulties integrating a large country with a large economy, cultural differences, turkey cracking down on press and free speech, move away from a secular democracry, human rights violations, etc.