However, I think we shouldn't avoid reading anything, there isn't problem in reading, we just need to be aware that what we read isn't always true.
yes you are right, it's what I was trying to explain, to just be aware that 99% of the news has always an objective, but, yes, definitively, we must not avoid reading, we only have to understand if the news are legit or not
the thing about 99% of the news from ALL bitcoin news sites is that they are just like the signature spammers on bitcointalk!
they are getting paid when you visit their website by having lots of advertisement there usually if forms of banner ads. and when people visit their stats increase so they can charge more for that ad space.
as a result they currently post lots of what is known as "click baits". they create some subject like that encourages you to click and read the bullshit and increase their "stats" so they can earn more money.