You should get damn near all the smoke in your lungs and outside.
Hanging around all the time smoking a vaporizer is not going to help *much*
Weed stinks so it don't take much.
When waiting in a Doctors office a week ago i read a story..
A pro smell tester went around with expensive equipment testing for smells
looking for a weed vs tobacco comparison.. the weed stunk worse of all !
And was easily detected and in smaller concentrations than tobacco.
So NON weed smokers are going to smell it if you use a vaporizer !
I have smoked most of my life grown it a few times and well too
Made hash / oil etc millions of times
I know my shit..
I also have rented places where i am not allowed to smoke LOL
Your going to get caught and in shit or maybe loose your damage deposit.
Or worse be billed for damages etc on top of that.
When i go camping i smoke in a tent but i put a tube by the zipper window poking out
then i smoke in the tent with a pipe.. this keeps the air totally clean.
It's nice breathing fresh clean air !
So i say get creative about it and avoid the vape deal.
I also never been a fan of them either.
Do they really cook the shit on the inside well enough ?
I know how they work.. i find it hard to believe you are not wasting Trichromes !
I bet they are great at cooking with low temps the outer surface areas of the weed.
Heating up those golden hairy little sticks with balls on the end.. but do they reach inside effectively ?
Never waste your THC
Wanna test it out ?
Take all that bud you used in vaporizer then grind it up to a fine powder
then soak it for a minute or two in some 99% ISO alcohol and then let it evaporate
in fire free zone on bran new baking sheet or something..
Then tell me if you end up with some bad ass honey oil that is pure gold colored.
Should be so dense it can be scraped up with a warm razor blade then cooled off into a rock.
Which will be pure enough you can touch it with your fingers and nothing sticks to your hand !
..just never let it sit in ISO longer than a minute or two or you end up soaking up tons of garbage.
Green chlorophyll is nasty shit to smoke (green oil is pretty damn gross)