These central or fed crypto coins will make sure others fall and theirs shine systematically. Well! other crypto coins will exists to perform different tasks but will be synced with central or fed crypto coins in terms of value. So in this case many will lose values and many will gain values depends on how they position themselves in terms of dollar and gold. This is just an idea.
Good luck with your arts man.
thank you sir... I think I agree with most of what you've said... I think in the future (5-10 years max) there will be Government issued money (centralised "crypto" they will avoid the word crypto and just call it digital money), Corporation money (another centralised "crypto" so not a crypto lol), and there will be the peoples money, bitcoin.
There will also be a myriad of blockchain solutions with their crypto and DAO's
Smart people will store their value in bitcoin... value will flow seamlessly throughout blockchains, government, corporation, and DAO's... atomic swaps, lightning, and new equivalents, new innovations will make all this unnoticeable to the average user.
We just got to build better decentralised systems than the establishment and massive corporations... systems that respect privacy, free speech, and self sovereignty... is that possible?