
Topic: W.H.O. and C.D.C. - The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 [Crimes Against Humanity] (Read 258 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The vaccinated people are starting to wake up... in horror.

The New Nuremberg Trials 2021

Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / "infections" tracked by the use of this faulty test.

In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the "experimental" vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, "mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person" are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.

The "experimental" vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.

The "vaccine" fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical "experiment" and trial:

Provides immunity to the virus
This is a "leaky" gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.

Protects recipients from getting the virus
This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.

Reduces deaths from the virus infection

This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died.

Reduces circulation of the virus
This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

Reduces transmission of the virus
This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

Activity: 478
Merit: 66

Here is an idea for the new NetFlix documentary.  Public Health officials hunting down anti-vaxxers like BADecker, handcuffing them,  vaccinating them, and releasing them to their natural habitat.  The show would be a hit.

There we go again. Not Stalin. Not Hitler. But our very own, dear, little af_newbie. The new murderous dictator and slave-maker of the world.

Poor little guy. So mad because he can't have his own way.


If he had his way then it would be hell on Earth and even then he still might not grasp what is going on around him. Although maybe he would grasp it and realize that he was scammed into becoming a neo-feudal serf in the great reset.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Here is an idea for the new NetFlix documentary.  Public Health officials hunting down anti-vaxxers like BADecker, handcuffing them,  vaccinating them, and releasing them to their natural habitat.  The show would be a hit.

There we go again. Not Stalin. Not Hitler. But our very own, dear, little af_newbie. The new murderous dictator and slave-maker of the world.

Poor little guy. So mad because he can't have his own way.

Activity: 478
Merit: 66

Certain freedoms are legislated illegal.


Certain freedoms are legislated illegal? How illogical!!! The only logic I could even see in that statement is if there absolutely was no government and total anarchy and bedlam or absolute statism as you seem to be aligned with comrade. The only comparison I can make is the freedom to smoke marijuana and how it is outlawed and now regulated by your god: "The State". Don't get me wrong we need some limited government hell that is what BTC is about limited governance total freedom of trades. The only governance with BTC is the fact that private keys secure your wallet so no one can take your crypto specie like hacking a bank or pipeline. So what you are saying is this suddenly an unelected bureaucrat that has no accountability or fealty to the people can just take away my freedoms? Yeah thats called tyranny not freedom. Take your brain out of the mainstream media cloud for a second.

The choice of stoning non-virgins was made illegal.

It was made illegal because it was a barbaric law to create an absolute fear amongst the people to not do anything unjust or to punish people that disobey their ruler(s). People have been sacrificed for millennia and history repeats. The Mayan and Incas had ritual sacrifice. The middle east had sacrifice until the advent of Christianity and Islam. The Nazis killed millions of people during the holocaust. Soviet Russia under Lenin then Stalin killed and starved millions of people. Mao in China killed the most in modern recorded history with between 45-55 million people.

The same fear could ironically be said about NOT getting the COVID-19 vaccine as people that do not get it might not be able to freely travel to blue states or EU countries. They will not be able to conduct business in person or go to concerts in certain places without the vaccine card/passport.

The choice of blowing yourself in public was made illegal.

uhhh I'm not crippled and this isn't Scary Movie 2... Cheesy Do you mean masturbating in public?.

As for public health measures, well, they are required to save lives.

Your freedom to spread a deadly virus should be suspended until everyone is vaccinated, then we can go back to normal.

As I have said before if this was as bad as Ebola or bubonic plague then people in towns and cities would be absolutely quarentined. No going out no essential services for that area to absolutely stop the spread like what they do in Africa. People would be wearing Bio-Hazmat suits instead of ineffective masks. This is a designer cold virus made in biologics lab by scientists for this purpose to cause chaos amongst people. Really it only affects the old (which would have died to other viruses or causes) and those that eat fake foods devoid of nutrients and vitamins.

When you don't know if you have HIV but 1 in 10 people has it, it only makes sense to put on a condom (mask) every time you have sex (breathe).

The masks are ineffective, wearing a Hazmat suit would be more effective by your logic. Condoms if they are cheap can break too...

So get vaccinated, put on a mask, and shut the hell up.  I don't CARE about your freedoms.  Stop killing people.

How about "no" you'll have to kill me first and no I won't shut up when you're clearly losing an argument with failed logic from your mainstream media corporate overlords that seem to run your life. If you don't care about your freedom how about get into a time machine and transport yourself to 2030 where you'll have nothing, own nothing and be happy if you don't care about freedom. I'm not killing people, the lockdown is killing the third-world. People are starving there because the western nations that will soon be in depression are no longer buying goods from them and they are locked down as well. People from India are starving in the streets due to the lockdowns but the media is blaming COVID. During the height of the COVID madness here in the States, coroners that first document a person's death by gunshot would then change the death to COVID so they can collect the emergency insurance money. This whole thing is to take away our freedoms first they say its 1 month then 3 months then 1 year (seem to let things reopen) then lockdown then its 2 years 3 year, a decade... etc. They want power over you as the FED stamps no longer have sway.

When you are the only person left with the virus and everyone else has been vaccinated, you can have your freedoms back and die on the ventilator.

Wow, harsh words for me and quite the SJW virtue signal. Is because I made you take your mind out of the hive mind cloud of the corporate media for 15 minutes?  So you want me dead on a ventilator? I'm sure the hospital admins and doctors would love to collect the $50K on my head. I wonder if they pay them in BTC since it is about that number? Anyway as Issac Newton (or maybe his work is racist or cancelled by now for making people think), once said for "Every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction" so here is my fantasies or possibilities of what the vaccine will possibly do to you:

1. Nothing (I certainly hope nothing befalls you and your internal talisman protects you)
2. Give you cancer (the most likely situation)
3. Convulsion that just kills you as your organs liquefy while they have you on a ventilator
4. Get COVID anyway... (Once again ventilator)
5. Heart attack (J&J and Astra Zeneca were ripe for blood clots...)
6. Guillain-Barre syndrome (another likely possibility as this remaps your immune system)
7. Stroke
8. Parkinson's disease
9. Skin disease or rash
10. Probably more...

So just like the other comment above they will tell you to get the J&J or Astra Zeneca (oh its only one shot). Oh that was bad? Get the Moderna or Pfizer its just 2  shots... Then they say you need a booster shot then they say you need shots for other variants, etc. etc.  Bottom line your risk for one of these 10 or more possibilities goes up with each one its sort of like gambling with your body at a certain point. Maybe I should make a bet on your what you'll get.  

PS. And don't even try to come back and say that sperms and eggs are people.  Abortion is a women's choice that pertains to HER body.
Not millions of people around her.

I wasn't even going to say sperm or eggs are people I'm all for blowing myself like in Scary Movie 2 Cheesy. But for Jeopardy sake I'll take "The fetus could be considered a person according to most Abortion clinic at a certain gestation stage" for 400.  I still sort of agree that it is a person's choice no matter what they do I can shame them tell them not to do something (You included) and they will just do it anyway because at the core we are all people that have freedom (for now) to be who we are. So are you saying the "millions" around me should dictate that I take the vaccine?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

I agree with your quote except the wool has been pulled over your eyes. You don't see the real religion that you are part of with the "medical system" being a religion in and of itself if you think about it. You take pills medications, and vaccines as sacraments. You confess your problems with your body to your doctor or nurse. You get declared dead by the coroner. New doctors no longer take the Hippocratic oath btw could you trust them? The doctors/nurses in turn take your money as donations unto themselves and you feel that they are helping your body just like prayer in a church. They say prayer does help its a good placebo and many of the medicines out there are merely to treat and not cure as just like the church they keep you coming back.


A Forever, Newbie as long as they put their mind in the cloud of the corporate statist media.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
You have to remember. Covid is up, but you almost can't find a case of the flu. And it happened in less than one year.

What you are seeing is doctors not knowing what is really going on, and following the instruction of their CDC or hospital leaders.

Anybody can say, last year it was the flu, but this year it is Covid, and, we won't tell your average doctor or the people.

Still waiting for a video of a researcher isolating a Covid virus according to Koch's or Rivers' Postulates... with the researcher explaining and showing every step of the way. So far that anybody knows, it hasn't been done. Without it, such a thing as the Covid virus is an imaginary figment of the imagination, and of a bunch of blab.

A really much bigger question is, let's see any researcher who videoed his/her isolation of the influenza virus according to Koch's or rivers' Postulates. All these years, and maybe the flu is a figment of the imagination, as well. In fact. maybe all viruses are.

And you bought into it. You were played. Let's see the in-process notebooks and the videos for any virus.

full member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 146

Being pregnant does not make people around you pregnant; kids, men, and women.  

False equivalence.

I'm not talking about pregnancy per se but freedom of choice. So what you are saying is our COVID masters that initiated the lockdown measures, forcing you to wear masks and now trying to force people to take a vaccine have a sudden right to force us to do whatever they tell us all of a sudden? I'm saying that we are living under tyranny and people just follow along with it. If this was as severe as they made it out to be during the first three months (like the ebola virus) then society would have been completely shuttered and you would see no one at their jobs and everything closed period.
Covid is created for economic crash not the actual depopulation mode so its having less mortality rate but the spread is too fast comparing to any other virus. I don't trust the vaccines, if I am supposed to die from corona then just let it be, I am not want to be in the trap when they actually want.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

Being pregnant does not make people around you pregnant; kids, men, and women.  

False equivalence.

I'm not talking about pregnancy per se but freedom of choice. So what you are saying is our COVID masters that initiated the lockdown measures, forcing you to wear masks and now trying to force people to take a vaccine have a sudden right to force us to do whatever they tell us all of a sudden? I'm saying that we are living under tyranny and people just follow along with it. If this was as severe as they made it out to be during the first three months (like the ebola virus) then society would have been completely shuttered and you would see no one at their jobs and everything closed period.

Certain freedoms are legislated illegal.

The choice of stoning non-virgins was made illegal.
The choice of blowing yourself in public was made illegal.

As for public health measures, well, they are required to save lives.

Your freedom to spread a deadly virus should be suspended until everyone is vaccinated, then we can go back to normal.

When you don't know if you have HIV but 1 in 10 people has it, it only makes sense to put on a condom (mask) every time you have sex (breathe).

So get vaccinated, put on a mask, and shut the hell up.  I don't CARE about your freedoms.  Stop killing people.

When you are the only person left with the virus and everyone else has been vaccinated, you can have your freedoms back and die on the ventilator.

PS. And don't even try to come back and say that sperms and eggs are people.  Abortion is a women's choice that pertains to HER body.
Not millions of people around her.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66

Being pregnant does not make people around you pregnant; kids, men, and women.  

False equivalence.

I'm not talking about pregnancy per se but freedom of choice. So what you are saying is our COVID masters that initiated the lockdown measures, forcing you to wear masks and now trying to force people to take a vaccine have a sudden right to force us to do whatever they tell us all of a sudden? I'm saying that we are living under tyranny and people just follow along with it. If this was as severe as they made it out to be during the first three months (like the ebola virus) then society would have been completely shuttered and you would see no one at their jobs and everything closed period.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Regardless of what anyone thinks. Whatever happened to my body, my choice with the left? You know where you have the choice to abort your child or not? Well what about the vaccine? Don't you have the same choice of liberty in the matter that is not taking the vaccine if you don't want it and taking it if you feel you will be safe and secure? Why are certain talking points encouraged? While debate or the opposing side is discouraged or even censored altogether in the discourse that is the public square of the internet?

Being pregnant does not make people around you pregnant; kids, men, and women.  

False equivalence.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66
Regardless of what anyone thinks. Whatever happened to my body, my choice with the left? You know where you have the choice to abort your child or not? Well what about the vaccine? Don't you have the same choice of liberty in the matter that is not taking the vaccine if you don't want it and taking it if you feel you will be safe and secure? Why are certain talking points encouraged? While debate or the opposing side is discouraged or even censored altogether in the discourse that is the public square of the internet?
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

Comparing people who are saving millions of lives through vaccination to the Nazis who ran the holocaust is a new low. Congratulations.
These threads are becoming increasingly hysterical, and continue to fly in the face of all available evidence. Please stop.

Well, Nazis and vaccine administrators are certainly not the same.

Nazis couldn't help knowing that what they were doing was wrong. I mean, when you send people into the gas chambers knowing that you are going to gas them to death, you know that you are doing wrong. And certainly, if you shoot them to death for nothing, you know this is wrong. But this time it is different. Only the leaders know that they are doing wrong.

Let me clarify. The medical leaders know they are killing people. But this time they have convinced the direct executioners - the people who push the plunger - that they are doing good. Sure, some of them know that some of what they are doing is questionable. But they just can't believe that their leaders would do something bad. The medical leaders have brain washed them so well.

And the masses don't even realize at all that they have been lied to. These doctors and nurses are their friends. They have been visiting them for years for helpful medicines (which are often the things that are slowly wrecking their lives). So, why should it be any different this time? Get more help from your medical friends, not realizing that you are being killed.

OpenVAERS - - still shows us "COVID Vaccine Data Through April 30, 2021 = Deaths: Total 3837." They are a little behind VAERS, itself. Without looking, anybody can see that VAERS might be reporting over 4,000 deaths by now. And Harvard School of Medicine in their longer-than-10-years study proves that VAERS and other such organizations don't get even 1% of what is really happening. Four-hundred thousand plus dead from the vaccinations so far. And many more to follow.

So, you are right. The comparison between Nazis and the American medical is a new low. The American medical is way worse than Nazis could even think to be.... even with their Nazi direct goals. If Hitler saw what the American medical was doing, he would either be proud of them, or he would roll over in his grave at the horror they were producing, way beyond anything even he was comfortable with.

And here you are, a link in the killer chain of advertising. The question is, are you doing it because you are ignorant like many medical practitioners? Or are you more like the Nazi's, honestly carrying out your job, knowing what you are doing, and simply following orders!


Here is an idea for the new NetFlix documentary.  Public Health officials hunting down anti-vaxxers like BADecker, handcuffing them,  vaccinating them, and releasing them to their natural habitat.  The show would be a hit.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
The American medical is way worse than Nazis could even think to be.... even with their Nazi direct goals. If Hitler saw what the American medical was doing, he would either be proud of them, or he would roll over in his grave at the horror they were producing, way beyond anything even he was comfortable with.

I think you might be making it worse. The scary thing is, I don't think you're a troll... you genuinely believe this stuff.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Comparing people who are saving millions of lives through vaccination to the Nazis who ran the holocaust is a new low. Congratulations.
These threads are becoming increasingly hysterical, and continue to fly in the face of all available evidence. Please stop.

Well, Nazis and vaccine administrators are certainly not the same.

Nazis couldn't help knowing that what they were doing was wrong. I mean, when you send people into the gas chambers knowing that you are going to gas them to death, you know that you are doing wrong. And certainly, if you shoot them to death for nothing, you know this is wrong. But this time it is different. Only the leaders know that they are doing wrong.

Let me clarify. The medical leaders know they are killing people. But this time they have convinced the direct executioners - the people who push the plunger - that they are doing good. Sure, some of them know that some of what they are doing is questionable. But they just can't believe that their leaders would do something bad. The medical leaders have brain washed them so well.

And the masses don't even realize at all that they have been lied to. These doctors and nurses are their friends. They have been visiting them for years for helpful medicines (which are often the things that are slowly wrecking their lives). So, why should it be any different this time? Get more help from your medical friends, not realizing that you are being killed.

OpenVAERS - - still shows us "COVID Vaccine Data Through April 30, 2021 = Deaths: Total 3837." They are a little behind VAERS, itself. Without looking, anybody can see that VAERS might be reporting over 4,000 deaths by now. And Harvard School of Medicine in their longer-than-10-years study proves that VAERS and other such organizations don't get even 1% of what is really happening. Four-hundred thousand plus dead from the vaccinations so far. And many more to follow.

So, you are right. The comparison between Nazis and the American medical is a new low. The American medical is way worse than Nazis could even think to be.... even with their Nazi direct goals. If Hitler saw what the American medical was doing, he would either be proud of them, or he would roll over in his grave at the horror they were producing, way beyond anything even he was comfortable with.

And here you are, a link in the killer chain of advertising. The question is, are you doing it because you are ignorant like many medical practitioners? Or are you more like the Nazi's, honestly carrying out your job, knowing what you are doing, and simply following orders!

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277

Comparing people who are saving millions of lives through vaccination to the Nazis who ran the holocaust is a new low. Congratulations.
These threads are becoming increasingly hysterical, and continue to fly in the face of all available evidence. Please stop.
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 566
It awful and we're not a guinea pig but it only those that are well informed about the issue of the Covid-19 vaccine because something is fishy about from the beginning and I watch a video on social media about a government official that lied about taking the vaccine on a live show.
Having said that, I dont know why WHO was include in this because they never endorse a certain vaccine for the Covid-19.
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1982
Fully Regulated Crypto Casino
So are we guinea pigs ?! This is awful !! How can they do this to us ?! How can they spread the vaccine or this test to detect the virus all over the world before its safety is 100% sure ?? Not only these doctors should be brought to trial, also WHO officials who allowed these vaccines to be carried out, and these trials should be prosecuted.
It is as if people's lives are a game that pharmaceutical companies try on humans and they do not care who dies or how they die. It is important to fill their pockets of this corrupt money mixed with the blood of innocent people.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
mRNA does not go into the nucleus. nor does it have then code to change dna
it has code to create protein on cell surface

mRNA does not have a replication factor
mRNA breaks down in days

meaning no long term residing timebomb
meaning no multiplication leading to mutation

try to learn some basic biology.. its highschool stuff now.
your still a kid so you should be learning this stuff

you have had over a year now
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Right! The mRNA test serum is not a vaccine or gene therapy. It's a genetic manipulation, injectable serum.

We have realized for years that vaccines don't protect you from anything. But people think that they do. It's been a long, difficult run for the last 100 years, to convince the doctors that vaccines do any good. And now that doctors have been conned into believing it, it's very difficult for many of these doctors to opt out of their false beliefs.

But really, that's another topic. What we are talking about mostly is the Covid so-called vaccine, genetic manipulation serum... AND the fact that the leading health organizations in the world are not informing people about what they are getting in the jab.

This is totally against the Nuremberg Code, and against common law. It's snake oil salesmen who have gotten into top medical and government positions, and continue to talk a lying talk, just to deceive the people and doctors who still are awake to reality.

MSM Admits Covid-19 Vaccines Sterilizing Women

⁣MSM Admits Covid-19 Vaccines Sterilizing Women. Watch the video at the link.


mRNA vaccine should be taken by everyone because it improves your immune system, and in case you get infected with the covid-19 virus, your immune system will be able to destroy the virus before the virus is able to cause any significant damage to your organs.

You keep posting nonsense about vaccines, laws, Physics, Biology, and other sciences.  Pure unadulterated nonsese.

You seem to lack a basic understanding of the world around you.  You live in a carefully constructed bubble.

You think that if you construct some new conspiracy theory, it will validate you somehow.  

You are a moron; not much can change that.  

The only thing your posting of nonsense about religion, Physics, or vaccines does is to validate the fact that you are a mentally handicapped, deluded, uneducated imbecile.

Okay. Simply put, they got you. Well, stay happy for the rest of your shortened life.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
We're finally starting to get down to the nitty-gritty in Covid. And it suggests that WHO and CDC heads will roll. Remember, even with the vaccine laws that make vaccine companies immune to retaliation legally, those legal laws can't make companies immune to lawful laws lawfully. Check out the difference between legal civil laws, and the maxims of law that override legal civil laws.

W.H.O. and C.D.C. - The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 [Crimes Against Humanity]

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts lead by Dr. Reiner Fullmich have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, WHO, the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fullmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests issued by the CDC are rated at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any test over 28 cycles are not admissible for any positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid infections tracked by the use of this faulty test.

In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the "experimental" vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, "mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person" are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.

The "experimental" vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremburg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.

The "vaccine" fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical "experiment" and trial:



People who spread misinformation should be charged and financially penalized for the physical and financial damage they cause.

mRNA vaccine is not gene therapy.

Vaccines are not protecting you from getting the virus.  

Whoever wrote this has no clue how vaccines work.

Right! The mRNA test serum is not a vaccine or gene therapy. It's a genetic manipulation, injectable serum.

We have realized for years that vaccines don't protect you from anything. But people think that they do. It's been a long, difficult run for the last 100 years, to convince the doctors that vaccines do any good. And now that doctors have been conned into believing it, it's very difficult for many of these doctors to opt out of their false beliefs.

But really, that's another topic. What we are talking about mostly is the Covid so-called vaccine, genetic manipulation serum... AND the fact that the leading health organizations in the world are not informing people about what they are getting in the jab.

This is totally against the Nuremberg Code, and against common law. It's snake oil salesmen who have gotten into top medical and government positions, and continue to talk a lying talk, just to deceive the people and doctors who still are awake to reality.

MSM Admits Covid-19 Vaccines Sterilizing Women

⁣MSM Admits Covid-19 Vaccines Sterilizing Women. Watch the video at the link.


mRNA vaccine should be taken by everyone because it improves your immune system, and in case you get infected with the covid-19 virus, your immune system will be able to destroy the virus before the virus is able to cause any significant damage to your organs.

You keep posting nonsense about vaccines, laws, Physics, Biology, and other sciences.  Pure unadulterated nonsese.

You seem to lack a basic understanding of the world around you.  You live in a carefully constructed bubble.

You think that if you construct some new conspiracy theory, it will validate you somehow.  

You are a moron; not much can change that.  

The only thing your posting of nonsense about religion, Physics, or vaccines does is to validate the fact that you are a mentally handicapped, deluded, uneducated imbecile.
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