
Topic: WHO: COVID-19 median infection fatality rate 0.05% for under 70's (Read 121 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

The CDC and loads of doctors and and PhDs around the world and in the US, are all contradicting each other in loads of ways. In particular, the CDC people are contradicting each other in ways that the CDC can barely contain.

the CDC did not nor has ever said 94% of people died from something else
its your own misunderstanding and thus YOUR contradictions

i know you will say it cant be YOUR contradictions because you are just copy/pasting a script from a conspiracy site. and thus try absolving you by saying it must be THEIR contradiction

but YOU on this forum believe the conspiracy contradictions. YOU then make posts. so it becomes YOUR contradictions

try using research. logic your own mind.
stop just repeating conspiracy theories

learn about the co-morbidity report and what it actually says and means

When are you going to wake up and see what the CDC is actually saying... between the lines.

For example. Take two people. Person A has some heart disease (as most of us do), but very little. Person B has a lot of heart disease, enough to kill him, but an amount that is manageable if he takes life very easy.

Both people eat supper, and happen to down a gram of salt. Person A is barely affected. Person B dies. The CDC says that person B died of what?

In the case of Covid rather than salt, the CD would say person B died of Covid rather than heart disease. In the case of salt, the CDC would say that person B died of heart disease.

The CDC is focused on Covid because Covid can affect all kinds of people some very little, and some a lot. Salt affects everybody, some a little and some a lot. But the CDC isn’t focused on salt. So, they don't say person B died from salt. They say he died from heart disease.

But look between the lines of what the CDC says. Really the CDC says that person B died of salt, just like a person B would have died of Covid if he had it and died. But really they are saying that person B died from heart disease rather than Covid or salt, because he was dying of heart disease anyway.

The point boils down to this. Essentially nobody dies of Covid, even the 6% that the CDC say had no comorbidities. They all died from something else... basically two things. All the CDC talk is talk to cover up the fact that people don't die from Covid. What are the two things they die from regarding Covid, if not from Covid:
1. forms of malnutrition - not enough vitamin D, etc.;
2. improper treatment - no Budesonide, Ivermectin, HCQ + zinc, etc.

And that is all the comorbiditiy talk that the CDC uses has to do with anything. Most of the doctors realize this way down deep, but they are so used to protocols, that they don't think about their deep realizations. The CDC leaders who DO understand this, are attempting to use it to cover up the fact that Covid can be cured easy in close to 100% of cases, even near death cases, using the proper treatment and/or nutrition, that is readily available to everybody.

Why would there be any sort of coverup like this? Because nutrition is cheap and easy. Because you can only get so much money out of people and their insurance companies to pay for treatment. But the CDC working with Big Pharma has set the stage to get many times the money out of government and taxation via vaccinations than they would get otherwise. Just look at how much money the hospital gets when a person is said to have died from Covid, rather than heart disease.

That's the bottom line regarding Covid and the CDC 94%.

Activity: 1372
Merit: 2017
They are very clear about the data sources, and I linked to them in my later post. This is huge quantities of data from reputable official sources around the world - sources that are independent of one another. I appreciate that the link that you gave was to a proper paper on a proper website... but it's still just one guy's opinion. It's certainly not as absurd as the Satan Soldiers guy in the hat, but still, it lacks weight. It's one paper by one person. He can say 'meta-analysis' all he likes, it's one person's paper and one person's conclusion. Statistics can certainly be presented in many ways. I'm asking why the opinion of one person should outweigh mountains of evidence from massive datasets which, independently of one another, confirm the same trend. The Covid debate is the same as the climate debate. Just because lobbyists from fossil-fuel companies climate-skeptics exist, it doesn't give their evidence-free non-arguments any weight. They need more than to exist, more than to shout 'this is my opinion', they need credible evidence that stands up to scrutiny better than that of the overwhelming majority of experts.

I was not questioning the reliability of the sources, rather I was saying that I wish the data could have been presented in another way as well so that it would be clearer and we would not have to calculate. For example: let it say the total excess mortality that there was in UK in 2020, both in number of deaths and as a percentage. It is clear that there were more, then we have to see what they were due to, if only to COVID-19 or to this disease and other causes.

Regarding the arguments backed by experts, I can agree that they give more reliability but for me they are not a guarantee of truth because today for example experts will tell you that you have to eat 5-6 times a day in a diet based mainly on carbohydrates and I am clear that this is a scam behind which there are many economic interests. This would be another debate but as it is so clear to me that the current nutritional guidelines are a hoax I tend to be skeptical about the opinions backed by a lot of experts, especially if there are many economic interests involved.

Hey franky1, man. What happened to you? Did you have a nervous breakdown? I have run out of words to respond to the profound ideas that you have exposed, I almost cried with emotion.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

The CDC and loads of doctors and and PhDs around the world and in the US, are all contradicting each other in loads of ways. In particular, the CDC people are contradicting each other in ways that the CDC can barely contain.

the CDC did not nor has ever said 94% of people died from something else
its your own misunderstanding and thus YOUR contradictions

i know you will say it cant be YOUR contradictions because you are just copy/pasting a script from a conspiracy site. and thus try absolving you by saying it must be THEIR contradiction

but YOU on this forum believe the conspiracy contradictions. YOU then make posts. so it becomes YOUR contradictions

try using research. logic your own mind.
stop just repeating conspiracy theories

learn about the co-morbidity report and what it actually says and means
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

So Rand Paul is actually 100% correct here and this clip perfectly sums up why no one on the right likes Dr. Fauci.

Fauci is making the argument that you need masks AFTER the vaccine because you could get infected with a variant that you don't have immunity to and then transmit the virus.

This is such backwards ass logic. The point of the vaccine is to return to normalcy,

nope. its the hope of normalcy
the vaccine is based on the january strain. and you are 95% safe from that. and as long as a country only harbours that strain.. all is great. back to normal. once everyone is herd immune(covid recover or vaccine)

but if a new strain 25 generations down the line(12month) becomes the dominant one. you might have some immunity but its not going to be 95%.

the 2-8fold loss of protection means dropping immunity protection from:
95% to 90%(2)-60%(Cool
the south africa strain even for covid recoverees of the jan2020 strain. and those vaccinated using the jan 2020 formula, are not 95% protected from the south african strain. but more like 60% protected

but because not even 40% are fully vaccinated. not even 40% got and recovered from covid
herd immunity is under 40%the numbers are low and bad. because having one dose is not 95% its actually just 60%
yep the numbers of people that tare actually properly protected is not as much as the number of people covid recovered+first jab vaccinated.

ill say it one more time.
even if 100% of the population were vaccinated with 1 dose. they are only 60% protected. they reach 95% after second dose(after summer)
those recovered from covid in say march-june are over 90% protected from current local strains. but only 60% protected from the strain if their first infection was a local strain.

so we are not out of the woods
if the strain dominations circulation today..
if you calculate the amount of people who recovered and had vaccine first dose.
its under 25% 'herd immunity' against the south african strain
and only 40% currently against local strains

the idea is and the hope is.. keep the S.african strain outside a countries borders. get immunity up to 95% from local strains via vaccination/covid recover(if lucky to not die)
and get a new vaccine formulae for s.african strain and immunise people this year BEFORE s.african strain dominates a countries circulation

so expect restrictions to still apply in some form to try to keep the spread down to avoid fast mutations
as no one wants the s.african strain re-mutated over a year where the next formulae is behind.. again

keeping the s.african strain out from spreading reduces the speed/likelyhood of it mutating so fast to overtake vaccine formulas and distribution time

so yea with only 24% of people somewhat protected. its not the old strain thats concerning. its the new strains people should avoid. and thus still take precautions

(border quarantine for all arrivals(like australia) work better than getting everyone inside a country to mask up)
(prevention at the border.. is better than letting it spread and everyone have to mask up due to the selfish travellers/vacationers/international business people)
(but too many people want to travel without quarantines so UK/US still let planes fly and risk bring in new strains)
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Well, we've talked about this before. Statistics can be presented in many ways, and with this I am not trying to refute you either, because in my OP I talk about statistics. I miss in that link you put that they put more clear data such as: the total percentage of excess deaths by country and year, in % and not only in the graph by months that you have to go looking at.

well. if you checked the source and the source of the source you can get the actual numbers.. not percentages
heck they even have images showing separate countries
heck they even have it broken down by age aswell

take the march spike. doube rise in deaths in 75+ ~half a rise in people aged under 60
then the autumn spike there were less elderly excess deaths than youger excess deaths
using logic this is because elderly were not self isolating in march. but were isolating in autumn so more protected

its actually worth a look if your interested in actual statistics..
but if you just want an excuse to ignore statistics then keep playing your ignorance game that you dont accept a stat due to its format(lame excuse)
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
CDC says that 94% of deaths in the States are from comorbidities. If anybody thinks that Covid is even a morbidity, then it was comorbidities working together that caused the deaths. One of the comorbidities was putting people on ventilators, btw.

You keep repeating this thing about comorbidities. You accept the number of deaths, but challenge the reason for death.
And then I say: okay, if you don't believe the reason for death, then look at total number of deaths...

... and the response to this is something along the lines of

your chart is a joke.

... so you have no problem with the figures for total number of deaths until it's pointed out that the facts undermine your argument, at which point suddenly total number is apparently something that needs to be challenged.

My problem involves talking the language that you understand to show you that it is the wrong language.

The CDC and loads of doctors and and PhDs around the world and in the US, are all contradicting each other in loads of ways. In particular, the CDC people are contradicting each other in ways that the CDC can barely contain.

This all points to two things. The first one is the simple one. Covid is a complete hoax as far as being a disease.

The second one has to do with the lies by the medical, the governments, and the media. They want to supress the freedom of the people for monetary gains.

I'm saying it straight out so that you can go find the contradictions in it all. It's like talking to a little kid who has learned that 2+2=3. I have to start with you at an area of expertise that you will understand. I have said it straight out here, so that you know where I stand and what I understand.

I don't want to take your freedom to believe the moon is made of green cheese away from you. Believe it all you want. But there might be others who will start to do the research, and figure out the scam that the whole Covid thing really is... when they read the things that I say.

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
CDC says that 94% of deaths in the States are from comorbidities. If anybody thinks that Covid is even a morbidity, then it was comorbidities working together that caused the deaths. One of the comorbidities was putting people on ventilators, btw.

You keep repeating this thing about comorbidities. You accept the number of deaths, but challenge the reason for death.
And then I say: okay, if you don't believe the reason for death, then look at total number of deaths...

... and the response to this is something along the lines of

your chart is a joke.

... so you have no problem with the figures for total number of deaths until it's pointed out that the facts undermine your argument, at which point suddenly total number is apparently something that needs to be challenged.


Well, we've talked about this before. Statistics can be presented in many ways, and with this I am not trying to refute you either, because in my OP I talk about statistics. I miss in that link you put that they put more clear data such as: the total percentage of excess deaths by country and year, in % and not only in the graph by months that you have to go looking at.

They are very clear about the data sources, and I linked to them in my later post. This is huge quantities of data from reputable official sources around the world - sources that are independent of one another. I appreciate that the link that you gave was to a proper paper on a proper website... but it's still just one guy's opinion. It's certainly not as absurd as the Satan Soldiers guy in the hat, but still, it lacks weight. It's one paper by one person. He can say 'meta-analysis' all he likes, it's one person's paper and one person's conclusion. Statistics can certainly be presented in many ways. I'm asking why the opinion of one person should outweigh mountains of evidence from massive datasets which, independently of one another, confirm the same trend. The Covid debate is the same as the climate debate. Just because lobbyists from fossil-fuel companies climate-skeptics exist, it doesn't give their evidence-free non-arguments any weight. They need more than to exist, more than to shout 'this is my opinion', they need credible evidence that stands up to scrutiny better than that of the overwhelming majority of experts.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Except that Covid numbers are all BS for at least two reasons:
1. Most of the dead are comorbidities. In other words, we don't know for a fact that it was Covid;
2. No more flu and pneumonia, but Covid instead.


Yes, well, if anything that further reinforces what I'm saying.


CDC says that 94% of deaths in the States are from comorbidities. If anybody thinks that Covid is even a morbidity, then it was comorbidities working together that caused the deaths. One of the comorbidities was putting people on ventilators, btw.

Flu and pneumonia don't just disappear because some other problem comes along. But suddenly they are essentially gone. The timing was such that Covid came in to take their place. On top of that, just to keep flu and pneumonia alive in the minds of the people, the CDC added them to Covid to kinda remind us that they were still around.

Most people who consider it, think that the CDC stuck the three together just so they could say that the comorbidities of Covid, flu, and pneumonia is what is killing people. Others think that it was done to hide the fact that there wasn't any Covid, but only a stronger variant/strain of flu or pneumonia.

Remember. Covid was never isolated. All they did was take some material from people and call it Covid. That's why it has the same genetic snippets as you find in the bodies of people all over the world... especially chromosome 8.

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514

So Rand Paul is actually 100% correct here and this clip perfectly sums up why no one on the right likes Dr. Fauci.

Fauci is making the argument that you need masks AFTER the vaccine because you could get infected with a variant that you don't have immunity to and then transmit the virus.

This is such backwards ass logic. The point of the vaccine is to return to normalcy, not to be carrying around a mask all day when there isn't evidence that a variant strain is so wildly different from the wildtype strain that such that a vaccine becomes nullified. The evidence that masks even do something is circumstantial at best even, people actually believe that cheap surgical masks made in China that probably are porous when manufactured will protect them. This is not taking into account that people don't wear them right, reuse them, touch them over and over again, ect.

If you're looking at a .05 percent infection fatality rate and you can't return to normalcy after the vaccine, what is the reason to take it?
Activity: 1372
Merit: 2017
Except that Covid numbers are all BS for at least two reasons:
1. Most of the dead are comorbidities. In other words, we don't know for a fact that it was Covid;
2. No more flu and pneumonia, but Covid instead.


Yes, well, if anything that further reinforces what I'm saying.

I can't state this often enough (and I have stated it many many times over the last year):
If you don't believe that Covid is the reason, then look at deaths for any reason, and compare this to the average number of deaths in a normal year.

Well, we've talked about this before. Statistics can be presented in many ways, and with this I am not trying to refute you either, because in my OP I talk about statistics. I miss in that link you put that they put more clear data such as: the total percentage of excess deaths by country and year, in % and not only in the graph by months that you have to go looking at.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

CDC shows 94% from co-morbidities = not know for a fact to be Covid.

funny because there are ~2.8mill deaths a year.
the report does not list 2.8mill+ deaths

it lists the ones that they know are covid related.
they know they are covid related because the symptoms and treatments are listed on a death certificate.

no one dies from "covid test positive"
it lists all their symptoms.

covid has a known list of symptoms. and yes having other medical issues can intensify the covid suffering.
people with gunshot wounds are not listed even if they had a covid positive test and a cough.

yes someone could have had pneumonia and fighting it for a month before they contracted covid. but it was the covid that intensified them and suffered the covid symptoms which caused their body to give up

the 94% is not saying they died of something else. it means something else intensified their covid suffering and they could not fight off covid due to how weak they were due to other things.
if they did not have covid they would have survived but still had their pre-existing co-morbidity meaning it was not the co-morbidity that was the cause.

if you want to find a conspiracy.. DONT MAKE ONE UP. DONT FAKE STATS

take for instance the cuomo retirement home cover up.. thats something i told you to look into which is/was a real thing to complain about. no need to fake stats or make up anything.

just a shame you prefer to make things up and misinform people with your silly games
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
there are charts and information that are contradictory all over the place.

This is certainly true. Some charts are based on vast quantities of official data obtained from numerous different independent sources and professional bodies all around the world, and show a consistent statistical pattern (here are the data sources for the chart I posted).
Other charts and "information" may be obtained from some guy in a fun hat ranting about Satan Soldiers from what looks to be his living room.

I suppose it's up to each of us to determine which data sources are more credible.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ It's not that simple. In fact, your chart is a joke.


550,671 USA deaths


CDC shows 94% from comorbidities = not know for a fact to be Covid.


The CDC lumped Covid together with influenza and pneumonia. Nobody knows for sure which is which.


There are all kinds of reports this way and that. You might just love to hug your chart. Go ahead. Anybody can draw charts, and cling to the ones they like. But there are charts and information that are contradictory all over the place.

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
Except that Covid numbers are all BS for at least two reasons:
1. Most of the dead are comorbidities. In other words, we don't know for a fact that it was Covid;
2. No more flu and pneumonia, but Covid instead.


I can't state this often enough (and I have stated it many many times over the last year):
If you don't believe that Covid is the reason, then look at deaths for any reason, and compare this to the average number of deaths in a normal year.

Something is killing huge numbers of people, way more than normal. And these deaths happen to occur at the same time as Covid outbreaks.
Go to the website, look at the data.
Activity: 4760
Merit: 4323
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
They need to make sure they have all their procedures in place in case an actual threat comes to pass. I don’t think anyone could believe the amount of money spent and panic caused could possibly be only because of this virus.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Except that Covid numbers are all BS for at least two reasons:
1. Most of the dead are comorbidities. In other words, we don't know for a fact that it was Covid;
2. No more flu and pneumonia, but Covid instead.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
a brave new world is a science FICTION book.. its not a scripture sent back from the future
its not even wikileaks. its fantasy

as for your numbers.. your forgetting about the 1.54% upper number

its not 0%-0.31%
its 0-1.54%

200 people in a republican gathering. socially distancing in september... upto 3 will die of covid
200 people at a gathering without social distancing in march.. upto 7 will die of covid

with all the drama of 1 woman dying in january amongst 1000 republicans.. i think its then funny how you think the same ignorance of social distancing would equate to upto 35 deaths due to covid. as no big deal to you

also id question the writers maths

118/mill population fatality is his number. but suggestion that translates to 0.2% infection fatality

that 0.018 is death per general population mortality rate.. not infection mortality rate
so mixing groups and rounding numbers and missing a decimal.. not good
Activity: 1372
Merit: 2017
In case it wasn't already more than clear, this is not about a dangerous deadly virus, this is about a social engineering project and the 2030 agenda. Anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about should read A Brave New World and 1984.

Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data.

According to this research, COVID-19 "infection fatality rate was 0.27% (corrected 0.23%)". That's for all ages, including those who are going to die soon anyway. " In people younger than 70 years, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% with crude and corrected medians of 0.05%."

"The inferred infection fatality rates tended to be much lower than estimates made earlier in the pandemic."

So this is why billions of people will have to get vaccinated every 6 months. The profits for the pharmaceutical industry apparently have nothing to do with it. This is why there are lockdowns and destruction of the economy, especially small businesses.

Plainly stated, this is a scam.
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