
Topic: Who do you follow for Bitcoin/Crypto/Blockchain Related News, Insights, Charts? (Read 139 times)

hero member
Activity: 1890
Merit: 831
I don't believe in following some certain sites but I prefer discussing it with the group of people I m with and we all share the new news we stumbled across also I feel that Google is the best, because not one site can give you everything you need to know.
Thus hoping onto multiple ones are kind of better sometimes but it takes time...
Activity: 112
Merit: 16
Perhaps not the answer you were looking for, but after this recent crash, I have stopped paying attention to charts and patterns and predictions. Just the other day I saw the "vomiting camel pattern" and I was like, what? What even is that? We are getting carried away with all these charts and analyses that we fail to concentrate on crypto itself.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
If you have invested money in Bitcoin/Cryptos, you definitely need to stay updated especially on the latest news to make sure that you won't lose your money overnight while you sleep and have no clue as to why.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
I don't use a specific site instead I use forums, twitter, youtube, reddit all combined but only for the coins I follow. So don't follow people but coins rather, apologies I can't help you on this matter. My favorite medium though is Twitter I love the trolling lol.
jr. member
Activity: 166
Merit: 1
I read cointelegraph and newsbtc for latest news
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
I find quite useful to get instant update on crypto market because it collects news from different resources including twitter, reddit, media sites.

There are also similar news aggregators which do same work as cryptopanic.
Activity: 166
Merit: 43
Just wondering who the community follows to stay on top of their research and info.

Here are some on Twitter:

@CryptoYoda1338 @cryptodemedici @_tm3k @WolfOfPoloniex @KCSCrypt @ZeusZissou @pterion2910

Would be great to start a chain of people to follow so people can begin to further educate themselves.
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