for now if you want to exchange bitcoin or other altcoin, you better use binannce exchange because the asia based exchange currently dominates global exchange and binannce exchange has many differences between other exchanges and it's good if we trade there, if you want to know a lot about binannce you can browse directly on their official site.
in the picture below you can see the daily exchange income.
I'm sorry but what's income got to with anything?
I'd say, depending on where you are and what your needs are, that decides what the best bitcoin exchange is.
1. If you can find an exchange that's regulated in your jurisdiction and HAS a form of insurance for deposits. Go for this.
2. If you can find a way to do P2P with escrow protection, this is even better IMO, but also depends on method of payment (should be near irreversible).
3. What's the use of trading at say, Binance, if you have no means to reach out to them or seek resolution legally if something happens?