
Topic: Who is this woman? Rūta Vanagaitė (Read 967 times)

Activity: 3332
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July 23, 2017, 09:09:29 PM
What I can say, it's shameful. But I don't think that behaviour of small group of people can show views of whole country. We can find radical nationalists in every country. In Soviet union there was at least million of people who collaborated with Nazis, many of them were ethnic russians

Yes... you are tight. Ethnic Russians also collaborated with the Nazis. But the difference between Russia and Latvia is that the Russian collaborators are not allowed to take out rallies or victory marches in the open.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 23, 2017, 07:41:30 PM

Your source isn't very reliable, because this website is known for publishing fake news.

For the period 1941-1954 in Lithuania, are killed more than 25,000 Lithuanian citizens, about 3 thousand were wounded.

Soviet authorities set requisition quotas for Ukraine at an impossibly high level.

Local Ukrainian Soviet Autorities have claimed in 1934 to fail the management the situation.
Show something that make this situation different from other regions of USSR.

Locals have destroyed food in different mode. (In Russian)

A majority of the commission does not believe that the 1932–1933 famine was systematically organized to crush the Ukrainian nation once and for all.
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
July 23, 2017, 06:04:46 PM
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
July 23, 2017, 02:45:01 PM
glorification of Nazi.. she isnt good
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
July 23, 2017, 02:29:38 PM
Lithuania and Latvia are the countries where even now those locals who fought for the Nazis are venerated and honored. They never feel any shame about the hundreds of thousands of Jews and Roma who were exterminated by these barbarians. For them, the Nazi collaborators are freedom fighters, who organized the defense of the Baltic nations against the USSR.
Really!? Nazis supporters are honored in Lithuania and Latvia? It's completely lie.

How are you going to explain this one, then?


Latvian Waffen SS veterans and their supporters, including several members of parliament, are set to march in the capital Riga Wednesday in an event that has become an annual tradition. At least several members of the rightest All for Latvia party will join the parade, which marks Latvian Legion Day – an unofficial holiday honoring those who fought in the anti-Soviet Latvian Legion – a unit of the Waffen SS, according to reports by the Baltic Course and TASS news agency.

Supporters of a Nazi SS division formed during WW2 march in Riga, Latvia

Several hundred veterans, relatives and supporters of a Nazi SS division formed from Latvians during World War Two held their controversial annual commemoration in defiance of a ban

I know the difference between Latvia and Lithuania, but they are your brothers, right?
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 23, 2017, 10:11:33 AM
But now Russia is spreading lies that forest brothers killed civils, including jews.

For sure, they have killed civilians.

 “лecныe бpaтья” нaпaдaли глaвным oбpaзoм нa миpныx житeлeй.
И oпшpyтcким cтapoвepaм oни нeoднoкpaтнo пpeдлaгaли “пoдoбpy-пoздopoвy yбиpaтьcя в Poccию”. A пocкoлькy тe никyдa нe yeзжaли, дa eщe вдoбaвoк вcтyпили в кoлxoз, тo в нoчь нa 16 нoябpя 1947 гoдa “лecныe бpaтья” peшили пpoyчить “кoлoниcтoв”.
B peзyльтaтe yбит 31 cтapoвep, в тoм чиcлe 14 дeтeй.

Ceгoдня мecтныe peзиcтeнты Mapиямпoльcкoгo yeздa пытaютcя дoкaзaть, чтo этo был бoй нaпoдoбиe Гpюнвaльдcкoй (Жaльгиpиccкoй) битвы пpoтив кoлoнизaтopoв. Toлькo в тoт paз пpoтив нeмeцкиx, a ceйчac – пpoтив pyccкиx!

A вoт чтo oб этoй “иcтopичecкoй битвe” paccкaзывaeт oчeвидeц coбытий Eлeнa Кaшaycкeнe: “…B 1940 гoдy нaшa ceмья пepeбpaлacь жить в дepeвню Oпшpyтaй.
Mы тoжe пoceлилиcь в ocтaвлeннoм нeмцaми xoзяйcтвe.
Bcя дepeвня жилa миpнo, вce oбpaбaтывaли зeмлю. Xopoшo пoмню тy cтpaшнyю нoчь, кoгдa нaчaлocь yничтoжeниe житeлeй нaшeй дepeвни.
Mы, дeти, пepeд cнoм мoлилиcь, кoгдa нeoжидaннo paзбилocь oкнo, и в кoмнaтy влeтeлa гpaнaтa. Maмa ycпeлa чepeз дpyгoe oкнo выcкoчить c дeтьми вo двop.
 A я ocтaлacь в кoмнaтe пoд жeлeзнoй кpoвaтью. Ocтaлcя и oтeц. B двepь влoмилacь бaндa вoopyжeнныx людeй вo глaвe c Aнтaнacoм Бaлтyшиcoм.
Oни зacтpeлили oтцa и cтaли pacкидывaть пocтeль, пepepыли вce в кoмнaтe. Я oт cтpaxa пoд кpoвaтью cжaлacь в кoмoк. Кoгдa oни yшли, я в oкнo yвидeлa, чтo гopят нaш capaй и xлeв. A пoтoм и дoм пoдoжгли. Oтeц тaк и cгopeл в дoмe.
Mы нe были aктивиcтaми, opyжия тoжe y нac нe былo…

… A ceмью Шyмилoвыx yбилa бaндa пoд pyкoвoдcтвoм Йoнaca Бpaзиca (“Клaюнaca”). Oн был oчeнь жecтoкий. Oни yбили caмoгo Шyмилoвa, eгo oтцa – 1894 гoдa poждeния, мaть – 1904 гoдa poждeния, дeтeй 5, 14, 16 лeт и тpexмecячнoгo peбeнкa.

Ceгoдня в гaзeтax пишyт, пытaяcь вcex yбeдить, чтo в Oпшpyтaй жили paзбoйники, кoтopыe oбижaли литoвцeв. Этo нeпpaвдa. Bce мы жили миpнo и oбpaбaтывaли зeмлю».

Hyжнo зaмeтить, чтo “лecныe бpaтья” нe щaдили и литoвцeв, ocoбeннo тex, кoтopыe вcтyпили в кoлxoз.

(In Russian)

This is Source from Lithauen, not from Russia.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 23, 2017, 09:25:03 AM

Soviet actions like collectivization and plans to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement caused this famine.

WOW, You support not more Your claims about Genocide to ethnic group or to country?
And You go to defend the consequence of management mistake.

About what "plans" You have written is unknown for me.
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
July 23, 2017, 07:26:41 AM
And now Russia continue to spread alternative history facts.

WOW, this woman is Russian??
What is "Alternative History"?
The grandfather of this lady have killed 7 Jews in 1941 and was deported to Kazahstan.
For this he become a "Victim of the struggle against communism".
And Great-granddaughter received financial support from the state for this.
All the facts about his case are available in the archive and are not a secret.
I'm just quoting her words:
Why they aren't sharing facts about genocide in Ukraine made by Stalin?

What facts have You to share?
Soviet actions like collectivization and plans to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement caused this famine.

Lithuania and Latvia are the countries where even now those locals who fought for the Nazis are venerated and honored. They never feel any shame about the hundreds of thousands of Jews and Roma who were exterminated by these barbarians. For them, the Nazi collaborators are freedom fighters, who organized the defense of the Baltic nations against the USSR.
Really!? Nazis supporters are honored in Lithuania and Latvia? It's completely lie.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
July 22, 2017, 12:59:47 PM
Lithuania and Latvia are the countries where even now those locals who fought for the Nazis are venerated and honored. They never feel any shame about the hundreds of thousands of Jews and Roma who were exterminated by these barbarians. For them, the Nazi collaborators are freedom fighters, who organized the defense of the Baltic nations against the USSR.
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
July 22, 2017, 10:29:37 AM
The second part of Vanagaite’s book is about her travels with Zuroff, where they spoke to octogenarians who witnessed mass executions. Referencing Zuroff – a reviled figure by many Lithuanians, including well-known cartoonists and nationalist columnists – Vanagaite titled that part of the book “Journey with an Enemy.”

But Vanagaite and Zuroff are not in full accord. She believes that in lieu of Lithuanian introspection, the extent and cruelty of Lithuanian complicity has been vastly exaggerated – including in survivors’ testimonies. She cast doubt on testimonies about a man who was boiled alive in Panevezys and an account that locals, after slaughtering dozens of Jews in Kaunas, sang the Lithuanian anthem. Zuroff says he has no reason to doubt these accounts.
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
July 22, 2017, 10:28:30 AM
Vanagaite’s book also has highlighted the fact that despite ample evidence and testimonies of widespread complicity, not a single person has been imprisoned in Lithuania for killing Jews during the Holocaust.

“Germany, Austria, even Hungary and Poland have had this reckoning a decade ago, but there’s a strong resistance in Lithuanian society to follow suit and confront this stain in our history,” Vanagaite said. Yet failing to do so, she said, “will mean we will be branded as a whole nation of murderers, and rightly so, because we refuse to acknowledge and condemn a murderous fringe.”

Vanagaite experienced this reluctance personally last year when she made an unwelcome discovery that served as her motivation to write the book in the first place.

In researching the life story of her grandfather — a well-known activist against communist Russia’s occupation of Lithuania until 1991 — she found documents that showed he helped German authorities compile a list of 10 Jewish communists during World War II. The German authorities then gave him some Jews to work on his farm as slave laborers before they were murdered
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
July 22, 2017, 10:27:25 AM
In one fell swoop, the book has brought a wave of truth telling about the Holocaust to the mainstream of society who follow the large media outlets,” said Dovid Katz, a Yiddish scholar in Vilnius who has campaigned for historical accuracy on the Lithuanians’ Holocaust-era role in the near annihilation of the Lithuanian Jewish community of 220,000. “It is of notable importance that a born and bred Lithuanian author tells the simple truth as it has never been told in a trade book not intended for scholars and specialists.”

Geoff Vasil, a spokesman for the Jewish Community of Lithuania, said “the turning of the tide within Lithuanian society” on this issue “now appears to be taking place like never before.”
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
July 22, 2017, 10:25:43 AM
Ruta Vanagaite, who is 61 and not Jewish, visited killing fields in Lithuania and Belarus to research the book, which she co-authored with Efraim Zuroff, the renowned Nazi hunter and director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office. Though she found the journalist’s request to see her birth certificate unsettling, she complied anyway.

“I know where it’s coming from,” Vanagaite told JTA. “Lithuanian involvement in the Holocaust is such a taboo that being a Jew or a Russian spy are the only explanations for wanting to talk about it.”
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Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 22, 2017, 10:17:51 AM
Forest Brothers

Glorification of Nazi collaborators in Eastern Europe, made by NATO.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 22, 2017, 09:13:15 AM
And it is an open secret that a lot of Lithuanians supported the Nazis during that period. Ethnic Lithuanians sided with the Nazis, to exterminate the Jews in that region.

This book is about large participation of Lituanians in Jew killing, there is a list of 6000 Lituanians. But this "job" was organized by the State of Lithuania, not by Germans.
They have killed 10% of total popolation in the country.

What it have with the "Struggle against communism" Status recognition to this persons in EU State is for me unclear.

Activity: 3332
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
July 21, 2017, 11:14:26 PM
Hundreds of thousands of Jews perished in Lithuania, while it was under the Nazi rule. And it is an open secret that a lot of Lithuanians supported the Nazis during that period. Ethnic Lithuanians sided with the Nazis, to exterminate the Jews in that region.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 21, 2017, 09:14:15 PM
Your username is "Sex Video Chat" and your signature is a link which could very well be spyware/malware.

Dude, give a proof of  spyware/malware.
If You feel to saying something serious - welcome to "scam accusation section".

And now Russia continue to spread alternative history facts.

WOW, this woman is Russian??
What is "Alternative History"?
The grandfather of this lady have killed 7 Jews in 1941 and was deported to Kazahstan.
For this he become a "Victim of the struggle against communism".
And Great-granddaughter received financial support from the state for this.
All the facts about his case are available in the archive and are not a secret.

Why they aren't sharing facts about genocide in Ukraine made by Stalin?

What facts have You to share?
sr. member
Activity: 2632
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July 21, 2017, 09:01:41 PM
This woman is explaining who have shot 200000 jews in Litauen in 3 Months.
She have discovered that his grandfather killed jews and was deported to Kazahstan.
And other parent exiled in USA (Miami) under fake name, being the head of Panevezys Police in 1941.

She is talking about reaction of litauens to his book.

Will going to Litauen for treasures hunting on the place of Jew Mass Grave, the entry is only €3?
Or buying the Jew mass grave for €35000?

 you could at least give more details of why open this thread or at least what is the subject?

Here is something in English.

You should get banned. I don't understand how your account is allowed here. Your username is "Sex Video Chat" and your signature is a link which could very well be spyware/malware. How you got to 300+ activity is beyond me. I would not visit your website with a 10 foot pole!   Roll Eyes
It is strange really. He/she should have been restricted to the sex section if there is any or the link removed. Poster may have gotten all the activities posting on the Right sections though..

Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
July 21, 2017, 08:30:01 PM
Oh, first of all:
I will give more context about it. First of all, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs started to spread fake history facts about Lithuanian Forest Brothers. Then thousands of lithuanians attacked russian foreign ministry FB page with angry comments. And now Russia continue to spread alternative history facts.
And why Russia cares so much about history of Lithuania? Why they aren't sharing facts about genocide in Ukraine made by Stalin?
sr. member
Activity: 588
Merit: 250
July 21, 2017, 07:59:10 PM
This woman is explaining who have shot 200000 jews in Litauen in 3 Months.
She have discovered that his grandfather killed jews and was deported to Kazahstan.
And other parent exiled in USA (Miami) under fake name, being the head of Panevezys Police in 1941.

She is talking about reaction of litauens to his book.

Will going to Litauen for treasures hunting on the place of Jew Mass Grave, the entry is only €3?
Or buying the Jew mass grave for €35000?

 you could at least give more details of why open this thread or at least what is the subject?

Here is something in English.

You should get banned. I don't understand how your account is allowed here. Your username is "Sex Video Chat" and your signature is a link which could very well be spyware/malware. How you got to 300+ activity is beyond me. I would not visit your website with a 10 foot pole!   Roll Eyes
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 252
July 21, 2017, 10:18:01 AM
This woman is explaining who have shot 200000 jews in Litauen in 3 Months.
She have discovered that his grandfather killed jews and was deported to Kazahstan.
And other parent exiled in USA (Miami) under fake name, being the head of Panevezys Police in 1941.

She is talking about reaction of litauens to his book.

Will going to Litauen for treasures hunting on the place of Jew Mass Grave, the entry is only €3?
Or buying the Jew mass grave for €35000?

 you could at least give more details of why open this thread or at least what is the subject?

Here is something in English.
Activity: 3164
Merit: 1127
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
July 21, 2017, 09:57:59 AM

I do not understand Russian, by the comments it seems that she was talking something very serious, you could at least give more details of why open this thread or at least what is the subject?

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