Some facts
1) There are still a lot of old Americans who are traumatized by the Korean war. A lot of older Americans who were involved in that conflict still have questions. Some survivors have questioned for decades whether the deaths were 'in vain'. For some reason this question has been asked of the Korean war more than the Vietnam war. Of course much more so amongst South Koreans who have paid a much higher price.
2) The Korean stalemate is one of the most profitable 'cold conflicts' in the world. For weapons manufacturers it is a golden goose that keeps on laying. No other region has produced comparable profits to that industry.
3) North Korea does not actually have the tech skills, nor the technology, to do the things they are claimed to do. There have been credible questions raised about all aspects of their technology, including their nuclear program. There is evidence that their first "nuclear test" was actually a huge mound of conventional explosive, the blast was consistent with conventional explosives and was not consistent with a nuclear detonation. Similarly, their tech sector is utterly non productive. They are unable to produce any tech products whatsoever without direct help from their benefactors in China.
So what do you think is the goal of this heavy fiction in the media?
Profit? Psychological operation? "To mask malicious activity, the hackers used a three-layer C&C infrastructure and pretended to be Russians."