It's not the regulations. It's the ignorance of the people.
Who cares what the regulations and the structure of Government are. Informed people don't care. Why not? Because they can do anything that they want as long as they do no harm to other people, nor damage the property of other people.
Suppose that someone disobeys a regulation. Then government comes after him. There is a jury trial. If the person is smart enough to be able to wake the jury up to jury nullification and freedom, the regulation goes down the tubes and has no effect. Why doesn't it have any effect? Because the jury is over and above regulations.
For example. Some guy smokes a joint in his house. SWAT breaks in and catches him. There is a jury trial. It's up to the jury. The jury doesn't have to follow the judge's (magistrate's) orders regarding their decision. They can set the guy free, and make government pay the guy for time lost. It simply depends on how informed the jury is.
If the judge takes the jury to trial for not following his orders, the jury can do the same to the judge for not following their orders. Another jury trial.
Now and a gain, and informed jury sets a pot-smoker free from punishment by government. All the juries could do this. Most of them are simply ignorant of this fact.