
Topic: Why "Anti-Vaxxers" Are So HATED, And So CRITICAL To Saving Western Civilization (Read 314 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Why "Anti-Vaxxers" Are So HATED, And So CRITICAL To Saving Western Civilization

Because they are right.

Nobody likes being proven wrong, so as the proof against vaccines mounts, pro-vaxxers will hate more and more.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

You don't make sense.


You're really stupid BADecker arent you?
I'm going to repeat in very easy words:
Some people CAN'T get vaccinated even if they want. By CHOSING to not get vaccinated, you're a threat to those people.
I got a niece who is allergic to the measle vaccine. The measle outbreaks in Europe is putting her indanger even if she WANTS to get vaccinated.

So, you know this, yet you would rather that she find a way to get vaccinated and REALLY destroy what's left of her immune system. Try this -

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Go ahead and call them stupid people who don't understand your beloved 'herd immunity' if you like, but they are living in multi-million dollar estates and driving Land Rovers and you are probably not.  Just Sayin'

A lot of these people are probably scientists or executives in big pharma, and some of them probably run the mainstream media and publish the 'educational material' from whence you obtained your vastly superior knowledge and understanding of 'science'.

Your study basically says rich people have more PBE than poor people. That seems both reasonnable and logical as rich people have more authority and social power.

I don't see how that proves anything apart from the fact that rich people are more powerful than poor people? And I'll call them stupid yeah, having a land rover isn't exactly a sign of intelligence is it?

Or you're telling me that because you're rich you must be intelligent? Seems reasonnable to me that 3% of the rich people are complete moron no?

Until fairly recently a PBE cost nothing and didn't require 'authority and social power'.  All it required was some brains and paying some attention.  Like it or not there is a pretty strong correlation between people who can hold down 6 and 7 figure jobs and intellectual potential.  Not very 'equitable', I know, but them's the facts.

With vaccine mandates this is all changing.  Now you do need 'social power and authority' to get out of it.  I just read that in Oregon which has been out-in-front on vaccine mandates there is a push to insert some well crafted back-doors.  I anticipated this.  The 'elite' are not going to get trapped in their creation.

If those people were working in big pharma then that would be suspicious, but there is absolutely NOTHING saying that. Find me a study saying people in big pharma or doctor gets less vaccinated and that would be a beginning of proof.

It's really critical to grasp the concept that even working inside a giant and 'evil' corporation and working fairly close to the heart of the malfeasance it is perfectly possible to be quite unaware of what's going on unless one does some pretty dedicated digging.  If doing so is going to cost you a 6-figure job, it's even more difficult.

My analysis (after having worked in such an environment) is that it is almost never the case that more than about 0.5% of the people working in [giant evil corporation here] are evil themselves or have much of a picture, and it only takes a tiny fraction of super creepy people in well chosen places to do some pretty evil shit.

One part of this guy's interview really drives home how this works.  Probably the best description of the phenomenon that I've ever seen.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
If unvaccinated people go out and infect each other, why should you care? It won't hurt you. In fact, you should be happy. After all, the Georgia Guidestones say that we have to reduce the population - And you are against that?

To be fair, that's not what the Guidestones say.  They assume the population will get down well below the 650 mill number...somehow.  

The stones instruct that when, after some unspecified event that they obviously 'anticipate' which takes the population down to an unspecified number, don't let it get back above that threshold.

Do you think that the medical absolutely knows that vaccines work, and are behind the anti-vaxxer push, just to get the people to stop being vaccinated, so that the population is reduced?

I would say that vaccines are one of the main ways that the elite plan to remain in control.  One of their functions is to stupefy and sicken most of their herd.  If nothing else it will make it more practical to cull the herd when the time is right.  The movie 'Idiocracy' was buried because it came to close to the truth of what the elite view as a 'sustainable' ruled class.

Judging by the design of some of the relatively few 'safety studies' on vaccines, I would say that the people who designed them knew in great detail how vaccines work and how the cause damage.  A lot of these studies are designed quite careful to NOT find a lot of things, and only a pretty good understanding of the science allows for this.

It seems quite common to make things so obvious that a certain percentage of 'elite' will be informed.  It's impractical and dangerous to 'circulate a memo', but one can hide things in plain sight.

The nature of the damage caused by vaccines could be in that category.  What one would find if they followed the 9/11 thread was another.  That was done so that dumb-shit reporters in the mainstream media knew to simply not look into anything.  At all.

These people are gloating about how smart they are, how stupid the peeps are, and how blinded and brainwashed they've got the 'herd'.  They are rubbing our noses in it.  The Epstein thing is a recent classic.

full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 115
Go ahead and call them stupid people who don't understand your beloved 'herd immunity' if you like, but they are living in multi-million dollar estates and driving Land Rovers and you are probably not.  Just Sayin'

A lot of these people are probably scientists or executives in big pharma, and some of them probably run the mainstream media and publish the 'educational material' from whence you obtained your vastly superior knowledge and understanding of 'science'.

Your study basically says rich people have more PBE than poor people. That seems both reasonnable and logical as rich people have more authority and social power.
I don't see how that proves anything apart from the fact that rich people are more powerful than poor people? And I'll call them stupid yeah, having a land rover isn't exactly a sign of intelligence is it?
Or you're telling me that because you're rich you must be intelligent? Seems reasonnable to me that 3% of the rich people are complete moron no?

If those people were working in big pharma then that would be suspicious, but there is absolutely NOTHING saying that. Find me a study saying people in big pharma or doctor gets less vaccinated and that would be a beginning of proof.

You don't make sense.


You're really stupid BADecker arent you?
I'm going to repeat in very easy words:
Some people CAN'T get vaccinated even if they want. By CHOSING to not get vaccinated, you're a threat to those people.
I got a niece who is allergic to the measle vaccine. The measle outbreaks in Europe is putting her indanger even if she WANTS to get vaccinated.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
If unvaccinated people go out and infect each other, why should you care? It won't hurt you. In fact, you should be happy. After all, the Georgia Guidestones say that we have to reduce the population - And you are against that?

To be fair, that's not what the Guidestones say.  They assume the population will get down well below the 650 mill number...somehow. 

The stones instruct that when, after some unspecified event that they obviously 'anticipate' which takes the population down to an unspecified number, don't let it get back above that threshold.

Do you think that the medical absolutely knows that vaccines work, and are behind the anti-vaxxer push, just to get the people to stop being vaccinated, so that the population is reduced?

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
If unvaccinated people go out and infect each other, why should you care? It won't hurt you. In fact, you should be happy. After all, the Georgia Guidestones say that we have to reduce the population - And you are against that?

To be fair, that's not what the Guidestones say.  They assume the population will get down well below the 650 mill number...somehow. 

The stones instruct that when, after some unspecified event that they obviously 'anticipate' which takes the population down to an unspecified number, don't let it get back above that threshold.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
If vaccines really worked, then the vaccinated shouldn't worry about the habits of other people. The anti-vaccinators have concerns about the social costs resulting from Vaccine damaged kids, and they are saddened when they see the cripples and mentally deficient kids that have been created by the vaccination policy. You know there is major political corruption surrounding vaccines, when you become aware that the law was changed to protect the Pharma companies against having to pay compensation for the widespread damage they cause.

For the 200th fucking time the point is:
-Each disease needs to infect people to survive
-Depending on how contagious a disease is, there is a need of a certain fraction of the population not vaccinated to allow the disease to survive
-A significant amount of the population (about 2%) can't be vaccinated because they're too young, too weak or have allergies

So if adults healthy people like you or BADecker don't get vaccinated you allow disease to spread in a population and to touch those people.

But you already know all of this and chose to ignore it.

15k measles cases in Europe in last years, 90% of victims weren't vaccinated. The 10% vaccinated, guess what, had been vaccinated only once which is known to be not sufficient as you must at least get two shots and preferably two.

You know all this but chose to believe your "guts" over facts.

What you say doesn't make sense. Either vaccines work, or they don't. Of course there will always be people who they don't work for, and a few who will never need them. But if they don't work, why get them?... and especially when it has been proven, and is being proven more and more, that they are unsafe.

Look at it this way. If 10% of the population decides to NOT get vaccinated, who cares? If they get sick and go to the hospital, they will get vaccinated then, or they will die, right? They will lose their job, and some vaccinated person will take their place... if vaccines work, and the vaccinated people remain healthy, that is.

The thing that we are talking about is freedom to decide what you want to do with your body. For example. Let's say that the 10% of unvaccinated people decide to buy guns and shoot themselves in the foot. As long as they don't hurt anyone else with their guns, who cares? It's called freedom.

But if you are so scared that people who are not vaccinated are going to affect you, what good is your vaccination? Or are you trying to say that vaccines barely work, and that people who get them can still get infected. You don't make sense. And all the silly medical talk that says the same is simply run-around talk.

If unvaccinated people go out and infect each other, why should you care? It won't hurt you. In fact, you should be happy. After all, the Georgia Guidestones say that we have to reduce the population - And you are against that?

Don't you realize that if all those unvaccinated people die, that somebody has to get their property? And you - a protected person - might be able to share in some of it. Are you so in love with all people that you are out there to take their freedom away from them because you know, so well, that no freedom is good for them? What about when it happens to you with something other than vaccines?

You don't make sense.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

What a joke.  I picked one at random and the abstract made it clear that it says zero about vaccine safety (the full paper seems unavailable.)  You thought nobody would follow the links, eh?  Classic.

Actually that paper _does_ say something about vaccine safety;  It points out that vaccine injury surveillance is so poor that using some hokey NLP algorithms they found a ton of non-reported vaccine related problems.

Interesting there is no 'billing code' for vaccine reaction.  This is particularly amusing since there are about 90,000 codes making the necessary paper-pusher/doctor ratio about 3/1 in our current medical/industrial complex.  Here are some of the conditions which have a 'billing code':

 - W55.41XA: Bitten by pig, initial encounter​.

 - Y93.D: V91.07XD: Burn due to water-skis on fire, subsequent encounter​.

 - V97.33XD: Sucked into jet engine, subsequent encounter.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
-A significant amount of the population (about 2%) can't be vaccinated because they're too young, too weak or have allergies

Anyone ever think to wonder why they 'shoot first and ask questions later'?  That is, they maim and kill people THEN say 'Oops, guess you are one of those people who shouldn't be vaccinated.'  They never, to my knowledge, give any sort of tests to see if someone may be prone to having a vaccine reaction (except maybe and HCG tine test, but HCG is obsolete and out of the picture in Western countries...maybe because it is out of patent and hard to make a dime off of and seems to actually help brain development when given at birth.  See Li, et-al.)

Even populations which are documented to have such severe adverse events that they often need resuscitation to survive are given these things rather than just waiting a few months as in the case of low birthweight preemies.  It's nuts!  So much for the 'to young' shtick.


I don't doubt that "about 2%" of people are in the category of "can't be vaccinated", but it has nothing to do with whether they are sensitive to injury or death from vaccines or not.  It has a lot more to do with the social and political connections that mommy and daddy have, and if they need their kid to have a competitive advantage over the already rarefied herd at Harvard.

Go ahead and call them stupid people who don't understand your beloved 'herd immunity' if you like, but they are living in multi-million dollar estates and driving Land Rovers and you are probably not.  Just Sayin'

A lot of these people are probably scientists or executives in big pharma, and some of them probably run the mainstream media and publish the 'educational material' from whence you obtained your vastly superior knowledge and understanding of 'science'.

full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 115
If vaccines really worked, then the vaccinated shouldn't worry about the habits of other people. The anti-vaccinators have concerns about the social costs resulting from Vaccine damaged kids, and they are saddened when they see the cripples and mentally deficient kids that have been created by the vaccination policy. You know there is major political corruption surrounding vaccines, when you become aware that the law was changed to protect the Pharma companies against having to pay compensation for the widespread damage they cause.

For the 200th fucking time the point is:
-Each disease needs to infect people to survive
-Depending on how contagious a disease is, there is a need of a certain fraction of the population not vaccinated to allow the disease to survive
-A significant amount of the population (about 2%) can't be vaccinated because they're too young, too weak or have allergies

So if adults healthy people like you or BADecker don't get vaccinated you allow disease to spread in a population and to touch those people.

But you already know all of this and chose to ignore it.

15k measles cases in Europe in last years, 90% of victims weren't vaccinated. The 10% vaccinated, guess what, had been vaccinated only once which is known to be not sufficient as you must at least get two shots and preferably two.

You know all this but chose to believe your "guts" over facts.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
If vaccines really worked, then the vaccinated shouldn't worry about the habits of other people. The anti-vaccinators have concerns about the social costs resulting from Vaccine damaged kids, and they are saddened when they see the cripples and mentally deficient kids that have been created by the vaccination policy. You know there is major political corruption surrounding vaccines, when you become aware that the law was changed to protect the Pharma companies against having to pay compensation for the widespread damage they cause.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 5937
Honestly thought I had you on ignore, because most of the stuff you post (including this) is fucking garbage information. This is without a doubt stupid as well.

I could understand if you were saying that there are side effects to vaccines that interact with people in certain ways, which is true. For some people, vaccines negatives (in the sense of side effects) outweigh the benefit of getting a vaccine.

But once you go into the fact that all anti vaxxers are great - even the ones that hate vaccines 'just becaseuse' or because they 'cause autism' or some shit like that. That's some bullshit.

OP is funny.

He doubts moon landing and vaccines, but in the same time he doesn't doubt some book written thousands of years ago and talks about Noah and floods etc like it is 100%  confirmed fact, while in reality there is 0 evidence anything of that sort happened.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
Honestly thought I had you on ignore, because most of the stuff you post (including this) is fucking garbage information. This is without a doubt stupid as well.

I could understand if you were saying that there are side effects to vaccines that interact with people in certain ways, which is true. For some people, vaccines negatives (in the sense of side effects) outweigh the benefit of getting a vaccine.

But once you go into the fact that all anti vaxxers are great - even the ones that hate vaccines 'just becaseuse' or because they 'cause autism' or some shit like that. That's some bullshit.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Did anyone in these sites swear under oath in court as to the accuracy of any of it? Words are easy. Websites are easy. But the interesting thing is, that none of this has to do with safety of vaccines. It has to do with freedom.

If vaccines worked, there would be no reason to force anyone to be vaccinated against their will.

If vaccines only worked part of the time, why vaccinate now that it is being shown that there are safety issues?

The issue in the OP is freedom.

Activity: 2674
Merit: 2071
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All the  independent research condemns vaccines, but all the Pharma funded research supports it.

This is 100% false.

And no, anonymous blogs don't count as 'independent research'.

Why is the US so unhealthy and disease ridden

There are definitely many countries that are overall more healthy than the USA.  But - they all vaccinate the vast majority of their population as well.  Life style and diet are primary health factors in the more developed countries.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
Why are the supporters of the vaccination eugenics programme so gullible. All the  independent research condemns vaccines, but all the Pharma funded research supports it. Guess which research get the government based publicity. Simple observation will let you realise where the truth lies. Well the truth doesn't lie, only the Pharma based misinformation. Why is the US so unhealthy and disease ridden - certainly over vaccination plays its part.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
All of Pretty much the government mandated vaccine safety tests were never done, or are not being shown because vaccines are unsafe... for more than the last 30 years.


This is 100% false.


That's exactly what Robert Kennedy, Jr., was trying to prove when he did the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request on Government. He wanted to see copies of the safety tests. They gave him not one.

You would think that if the safety tests were safe, and if they were there, that it would be to the benefit of both the medical and Government, to provide them. But not even one?

So, get the testers on the stand under oath, stating that they did the tests, and that the results were whatever their report says they were. But get a report first. Got one?

Activity: 2674
Merit: 2071
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All of Pretty much the government mandated vaccine safety tests were never done, or are not being shown because vaccines are unsafe... for more than the last 30 years.


This is 100% false.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
All of Pretty much the government mandated vaccine safety tests were never done, or are not being shown because vaccines are unsafe... for more than the last 30 years.

copper member
Activity: 22
Merit: 1
Always Forward
This sums up everything about the issue
lmao pretty much they just choose to ignore the science
Activity: 140
Merit: 12
This sums up everything about the issue

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Now we see what the vaccine scene is really all about!

Why "Anti-Vaxxers" Are So HATED… - And So CRITICAL To Saving "Western Civilization…"

Over the years, The BolenReport has been publishing articles about the evils of vaccines, the lies about crooked science, the arbitrary political forces that want to dictate how parents take care of their children medically and run our lives.

The anti-vax community is the largest activist group in the world, with communications networks everywhere.  Even though from time-to-time  The BolenReport's connections are removed from Facebook and many of our articles are officially blocked, our news is still circulated worldwide thanks to you.

Just so you know…….

When Donald Trump came on the scene, a lot of the venom that had been aimed at the anti-vaxxer movement was shifted to him.

One of the earliest political statements he made was regarding his concerns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.  Trump followed through immediately after the election by asking Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the scion of the great liberal Kennedy dynasty, to help get to the truth about the entire industry.

We need to understand why Trump set this up, quit whining about why we don't like him, and not get distracted by side issues the Marxist left keeps bringing up for the purpose of creating angry headlines and general chaos.  It is part of an overall strategy to destabilize our country.

Trump is NOT the problem, despite all the propaganda being peddled about him.  It is the goals he is in the process of achieving to protect our Western Civilization that are driving his detractors crazy.

Here's why Trump went after vaccines first.  Mandatory vaccinations represent ultimate control of the population.

The goal of the anti-Trump forces is to take down our government and transform our country into a controlled Marxist state.  Call it a social democracy if you like; it amounts to the same thing.  First, a nice friendly socialist state with free health care for all that then morphs into a controlled communist state Bernie Sanders and his fans forget to mention.

In fact, according in an article from the Orange County Register entitled, "School Curriculum Whitewashes Communism's History." 

…the horrors of the Marxist state are never taught in our public schools. Even more worrisome, according to the Southern California Young Communist League, "Whoever controls the minds of the next generation basically controls the future." In other words, for example, students are not told that during Mao's Cultural Revolution, 3 million Chinese were killed and somewhere between 20 to 43 million died of starvation in the worst famine in world history which Mao proudly called "The Great Leap Forward."

Another detail never mentioned is that during this famine, children were killed, boiled, used for fertilizer or eaten.  These facts are hardly topics worthy of classroom discussion, apparently.

Think "Bernie Sanders" when you realize the death rate in Marxist countries worldwide, during the 20th century, is estimated to be between 85 million to 100 million.   What Trump has said from the beginning, he's for getting America back on track and cleaning out the Swamp of the corruption, such as that which we all know exists in the vaccine industry.

As for Trump's understanding of the medical industry…

He, and everyone else who knows anything about the medical system, knows that Big Pharma runs the whole shebang.

From the 1800s, when the German chemical industry realized it could patent synthetic drugs, the whole slew of small companies knew they were sitting on a goldmine of potential worldwide trade in patented drugs.  Instead of competing against each other, they banded together as an industry.   Vaccines were the first pot of gold they went after.  It didn't matter that from the 1790's homeopathy showed major success in preventing and/or controlling infectious diseases.  Public records and contemporary medical records confirm this.  Homeopathy was something the chemical industry couldn't patent.  The allopathic medical community not only couldn't understand its principles of healing, they hated the competition.  Homeopathy was very popular among the public because of its humane and gentle methods of healing.

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