The answer is simple. They are BIG advertisers for all the ways we are losing our freedoms.
So, losing our freedom is a bad thing. To which your proposed solution is restricting freedom of expression.
Sorry, I can't work out the reasoning here.
And I would argue that the quote below applies perfectly to most of the video and 'news' links that you post.
they almost never provide practical, down-to-earth solutions for the problems they talk about. Rather, they help to scare people, just the thing that Big Business and Big Government want to happen. Fear makes people panic. And when people panic, they become more like sheep... easily led
Thank you. I DO present ways to freedom, but nobody, especially
f1 seems to want to get out of slavery.
Most of you anti-freedom jokers don't like the idea of even thinking about how to use the semi-hidden things we have. The most important of these is the Bible. And if any of you are God-of-the-Bible worshipers, I commend you. God is the best way out of slavery, and the Bible is the best place to learn about God.
From a more down-to-earth-practical, freedom perspective, in the past I have given the forum this link - - from Craig Lynch. There are loads of videos where Karl Lentz explains in very simple terms what common law is all about, and the basics of how to use it to maintain your freedom in the major free countries of the world... USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belize, and even India.
Now I give you a link to another operating freedom site, one that is using the things that Karl Lentz speaks about, plus other things, in a down-to-earth, practical way.
A Warrior Calls - If you intend to use the things of this site, you will win, but it will be difficult.
Just remember. You will have to work at understanding this stuff. Why? Because you have been warped by the philosophy of slavery that most people call freedom these days. Anything worth having is worth working for. How about your freedom?