If your posts are deleted in the P&S board it is because I felt they did not follow the rules of the forum. I would estimate 99% of the posts I have deleted fall under the no/low value rule. That's a really good place to start if you want to understand why a post was deleted there.
I don't care how many words or lines a post is. Making it longer while still saying the same thing that has been repeated or arguing both sides of an argument is more annoying than 1 liner shit posts, ironically enough!
The tactic of using what aboutism is weak IMO. but but but what about the other guy breaking the rules...
I can't necessarily catch all shit posts, I'm not a bot. I actually read the majority of the threads in the sub, a post may appear to be a shit post but the poster may have actually mention something I hadn't heard in the thread yet. So you and I may have different opinions on some posts.
I have only been moderating the sub for a couple weeks. I am certainly not going back through every thread to look for old shit posts. My time is much better spent keeping it clean going forward.
Theres probably stuff I'm forgetting but you get the point I hope by now.
LOL imagine how many I delete before you even see them?!