This is probably going to sound like a stupid question but why are there only 1,000 NEM?
The fact that there are only 1,000 NEMstakes means that each coin is very, very expensive (currently $1,500 per coin according to CMC).
Hi Lorenzo!
1 NEMStake equals 1'000'000 NEM after the official launch (NEM is in Alpha stage right now). NEM's total supply is 4'000'000'000 (4x that of NXT). Only 1000 NEMStakes (representing 1/4 of NEM) are traded on NXT AE. Stakes can/could be claimed by stakeholders.
NEMStake is an asset representing NEM, not the actual coin.
=> If one were to buy e.g. 0.1 NEMStake, it could be converted to 100k NEM after launch.
A NEMstake token represents one million NEM receivable after the official launch of NEM blockchain. The token can be traded down to one digit after zero (minimum unit is 1/10 of a token).