
Topic: ✴Why are they obsessed with six hundred & sixty-six (666) (Read 97 times)

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"666 the number of the beast
sacrifice is going on tonight"

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* His is a new King of a new Kingdom

* The King made this hand sign several times 👌(666 hand sign) before he became a King.

* His son inlaw is part owner of a tower called 666 Fifth Av...

* The son inlaw plays important role in the King's kingdom.

* Same son inlaw also plan to build another new tower that'll be 666 feet high:

* The king also owns a large building that is 664m high and he occupied the 66th floor. I have a feeling the actual height is 666m... 2m was excluded in other not to attract suspicion. See the building top to understand how that could have been excluded.

* The king has a picture of Apollo (sun god) on the wall of his magnificent home and a painting on the ceiling. Apollo was a sun god in ancient Greece & Rome. Sun god is usually used to describe Lucifer (light of the morning sun or light bearer) in the Holybook or could well be Nimrod the founder of paganism and builder of Tower of Babel.  Nimrod lived thousands of years ago. He attempted to form the first one World government with the tower Babel.
Sun god was worshipped in Ancient Babylon (as Nimrod & Tammuz), Egyptian Empire(as Ra), Babylonian Empire( as Shamash),   Persia (as Mithras), Greek Empire(as Apollo) and Roman Empire(as Apollo)

Interestingly Apollyon is mentioned in Revelation at the end of the Holybook  & it's the only place it's mentioned in the whole book
Read: "They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer)." — Revelation 9:11
Notice the "9:11" of Revelation? Coincidence or cryptic message about a time a doorway was open to start a new age. This may somehow be connected to a sad event that took place in a city at 9/11. According to a Secret Society many are familiar with,  Two Pillars (Twin towers?) has to come into union to birth a  new age or single tower (in the case of the City a single Tower will be built after the destruction of the two)
Another interesting  chapter: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18

Why is he obsessed with god Apollo or he thinks he is Apollo?

Excerpt from dailymaily article on his magnificent home:
"Classical art dominates here with a bronze statue of Eros and Psyche, one of the great love Greek love stories, and Apollo led by Aurora - the Greek goddess of the dawn, suggesting he sees himself in the mold of Apollo, Zeus's son, and one of the most powerful of the gods."

Here is a short ad he did about 9/11, Pillars and Sheep:
Some Conspiracy theorists say this symbolizes sacrificing of sheep (humans?) to open a Doorway (via CERN?) that in Apollo and New World order. The "pillars" alway represents a doorway.
I included CERN here because it is partially located  in a French town people worshipped Apollo. Excerpt from rt:   " Now on top of all the speculation as to what CERN scientists are really attempting to do with their Large Hadron Collider, many observers could not help but notice that the town in France where CERN is partially situated is called “Saint- Genus-Poilly.” The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum” and it is believed that in Roman times a temple existed in honor of Apollo, and the people who lived there believed that it is a gateway to the underworld. It is interesting to note that CERN is built on the same spot."
 And CERN logo looks like 666, don't you think?

There is also a status of  lord Shiva (Indian god of destruction) at CERN. Human sacrifice was once caught at CERN which CERN denied as a prank:

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