It is not a product of decentralized community. It is not like Bitcoin at all. Bitcoin is an open source project that started this entire cryptocurrency sphere. Comparing it to gang-made centralized shitcoins like Bit/Altcoin Cash that merely copy and modify its code is laughable. All those who've not been hopelessly brainwashed by propaganda will realize this at some point.
Short and to the point, BCH is wrong.
If one really believes in cryptocurrency one simply can not support Bit/Altcoin Cash because it doesn't make any sense other than for the pockets of the gang and their corporate alliances. This is not Bitcoin's vision. This is a perversion.
There are some who fanatically believe that 'BCH is the real BTC'. There have been many who have supported BCH simply for the sake of profit. Unfortunately there have been many who have lost money and their precious Bitcoins because they were successfully deceived, and there have been some who have profited immensely from its pump and dump. At the end of the day, that is all it really had to offer. There is no truth in BCH, so will it fall.
More and more people realize what BCH really is. And they do not worry.