Let me play devil's advocate.
First: Bitcoin survives thanks to mining.
In the bootstrapping phase, yes. Miners were the original BTC investors. Now the roles have reversed. People build mining operations based on perceived profitability. If BTC goes to $0 and stays there, miners will just abandon it.
Second: Bitcoin has already been through falls and several bearish trends. This is a very persistent asset. Its system is designed in such a way that rate corrections and other adverse market conditions will not pose a threat to the existence of Bitcoin.
For ~10 years, during which the market is speculating about whether or not Bitcoin will be adopted or abandoned. In the scope of human history that's meaningless, and it doesn't prove the bold statement.
Of course, this is all very superficial, but you should not worry that it will start to fall heavily at some point (although I think that when it falls heavily and then there will be a strong jump)
Spoken like a true perma bull.
Don't get me wrong. I'm a long term Bitcoin bull, but I view it as a matter of probability. The possibility of failure has been reduced over this past decade, but it is not
gone by any means. Perma bulls think Bitcoin is
guaranteed to succeed and nothing could ever stop it. I think that's ridiculous. Looking back at human history, there is a strong possibility that BTC will be mostly abandoned, if not for superior technologies, then for tried and true forms of money.