I've read different opinions and I think many people are missing the point.
The argument about buying mining hardware being a waste of money & almost always barely breaking-even is missing one of the core concepts of bitcoin. The cost of electricity is often presented as the determining factor if a mining operation is worth the investment, or if it's better just to buy bit coins, still missing a fundamental idea behind bitcoin, and it's value. Regardless of your electric costs or even profitability I believe it's worth it as a hobby and if you have money invested I believe it's necessary.
Purchasing hardware that breaks even is a good investment especially if you're going to investing in bitcoin, the reason that it's a good investment is it will help add value to the bitcoins you purchase as well as the ones you mine. We need miners, many miners. If mining becomes something that very few people can afford to do or are not interested in doing bitcoin probably will not survive. It will become susceptible to manipulation by these few power players. Purchasing mining equipment is investment in your investment. Okay maybe that's meta-but my point is this don't forget there's more to the value of bitcoin then an exchange dollar amount. Bitcoin requires many participants to remain strong. If you choose not to mine thats ok, but if too many people choose not to, your purchased bit coins will have been a huge mistake.
Maybe just barely breaking or a slight overall loss to mine is not really a loss, as it helps ensure your investment in bitcoin gains value. Don't forget that.
I am mining at a loss, but it's been a fun experiment, and I know I am helping the value of the coins I purchased.
This is just my opinion I've got lots of dumb ones and occasionally I have a good one. I think this is a good one.
Or maybe I am just trying to make myself feel better.
Regardless, Bitcoin is not a spectator investment. Stay involved.
tips - 13WGRNzvjPGHcQicsdn65vEJvLhUydu4m5