Only users who have reported 300 good reports have access to this page
This is probably one of the most useful features related to reporting. Basically, this shows you a history of your reports, and whether they have been marked good, bad or are unhandled. This page can be used for ongoing evaluation of your reporting habits. Use the information on this page to improve the quality of your posts.
This tool can be accessed through the "report to moderator" page. The button to access this page looks like:
This will bring you to a page which looks similar to this:
This is the time that the report was made.
This is the topic which was reported or the post that has been reported. By clicking on this link it will bring you to the reported post, unless it has been deleted.
This is the user that was reported. These have been blurred out specifically for this thread for privacy reasons , however on your report history the username will be shown.
This is the status of the report. If the report has been dealt with, and marked either bad or good they will show this. For example, Good reports will be marked "Good", bad posts will be marked "Bad", and unhandled reports will be "unhandled".