Apart of my trust list, I think I have seen LoyceV said DefaultTrust get obsolete once someone used custom trust list. May be I got him message wrong.
enough users create their own Trust list, DefaultTrust becomes less relevant. But even now only
4746 users have a custom Trust list (Nuked users aren't counted), and only
a few users per week create a custom Trust list.
A custom trust list should have depth=1 or depth=0 but then adding DefaultTrust won't be very useful with those depth settings.
I have DefaultTrust on my Trust list, and use default Depth 2, because I still prefer to see most ratings as DefaultTrust. My custom additions only slightly change the ratings for most users.
Even with DT3 - it loads almost most of the users also, it takes a lot of loading time. I can not remember it correctly but once I was trying with higher number and my browser was not able to load the page or something :-D
The list on Depth 3 is too long, the forum gives a time out. See
Personal Full Trust Depth viewer for all users for the effect of your custom Trust list (excluding DefaultTrust) on the different Trust Depths. Here's yours for example:
Trust Depth list for: Royse777 (with data from a few weeks ago).