After my Blockchain Info account experience. I no longer trust storing any serious amount of coins, online, in any account. If you have an online account. Just assume they copied your password and user name when you signed up. They can steal any amount of your coins at anytime. Get hacked or go out of business.
And to my amusement. About three of my friends gave me articles telling me Bitcoin was going out of business. After all. GOX was going down.
When I saw my mum she gave me a hug and said sorry bitcoin was over having just watched the news. Lol bless her I explained no it was just my bitcoins that were over and she seemed happier
I'm sorry you had money up on MT GOX. By the time they started having trouble it was too late to do much of anything anyway. Hopefully You and the rest will get your property back like I did from Bitfloor.