hotwallets are unencrypted because they need to be accessed.
Is that correct? Can't you encrypt the wallet and then use a pass phrase to access it? The pass phrase being stored encrypted on the server?
Yes, a server needs to be able to
read a wallet to use it. With your suggestion, what's going to decrypt the encrypted passphrase? If the key to that is on the server, hackers will find it and it's now an unencrypted wallet. If not, you're back to an encrypted wallet that needs outside intervention (inputting decryption key from an isolated system, human, etc.)
If automated transactions are desired, unencrypted hotwallets* are necessary, however there are precautions that should be taken, like NOT storing most of your bitcoins in hotwallets. (*Well, they could be encrypted on-disk to help prevent certain types of attacks, but at some point, somehow, the system needs to be able to decrypt them to do automatic transactions.)