Us donkey's like chasing the carrot.
Everryonce in a while we get a price war... have been vary few of them. SP20 went at S5's prices and drove price down. After selling SP claimed to lose money at the final price (not sure I believe it). But there have been a few unique times.
But I agree sadly 3 month ROI's are dead. It seems a lot of sellers base off lifetime earnings, just look at S7 how fast they can drop profit when difficulty changes. This shows crazy profits on a lot of batches. Or I think so at least.
What you say is already happening. All big mninig companies already are alread in some kind of 'war'.
Pretending to offer the lowest prices but in fact we know that all of them are just making profit from us.
this is nothing new though it always has been companies at war for the best chip. You have the best chip... you get the big buisness the huge data centers. That is where the big money is at.
Home/hobby mining can provide profit's to but it's data centers that as a company you really want adaption. And can't blame them for it. Look from the beginning on asics there is always a push to a new better chip. This will always happen as long as there is financial gain for it. There are winners and losers. And if you lose... it can be big we have fewer and fewer companies it seems to me.