If society is knights priests administrators and slaves.... By massive procreation capacity the unskilled or genetic slush dies in holy war with a promise of reincarnating rich and the rest is living in grace
Great recipe works for me
If u could only support "ask Google" strategy to all questions regarding metaphysical sphere of the world of things every kid asks sooner or later
And one day ud be looking at an AI getting it finally figured out serving it as an interactive vr game for 6 yrs olds also early pick if they have any special gifts maybe maths maybe coding
Actually god through his angel gave that knowledge which could actually be an extraterrestrial... Eliah BTW ascended to heaven in a chariot with fire y wheels. U must be f***ing kidding me.... And the tower of babel = beanstalk.... The Forever War by Joe Halden also worthy hit just for deepshits sake