I think the larger hurdle would be the explanation of how to appropriately adopt them. That needs to be easy or I don't think convincing them to embrace it would be easy. If Bitcoin is the cure for the disease, mass adoption is part of the answer. If you're merely suggesting the government register a Mt Gox account and start mining along with a large group of nerds, I don't see how that frees them from the Federal Reserve. Grandma at that point still cannot accept her Social Security check in Bitcoins.
Don't get me wrong though. I think Bitcoin not only can fix money, I think as a global economy, we have to have something like Bitcoin to free the world from corrupt governments manipulation in a global environment. Just was prying you for some more of your thought because your opening statement was eloquent.
To continue the analogy, central banks are the whores of the financial universe. Not only do they solicit naive and fearful young nations, they systematically scam them out of their future wealth. Bitcoin is a beautiful and worthy companion for any nation, but like any lady is hard to get.
All governments should adopt Bitcoin, but they will have to enter it like a war. It will take the will of the people to fight for their futures. Too many nations have become lazy. They enter wars with no sacrifice. The leader declares a vendetta and borrows the money from future generations. This is irresponsible behavior and these countries do not deserve what Bitcoin can provide. The nations of the future that adopt Bitcoin will be immune from tyranny because their assets will be beyond the reach of mere politicians.
Only leaders able to gain the support of their constituents will be able to aggregate capital for the will of the people. These future nations will be successful and worthy of their status and power. However long it takes, one day Bitcoin or its offspring will foster maturity and stewardship to nations and the world.