
Topic: Why Haskellers should be interested in ‘Smart Contracts’ (Read 99 times)

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For most Haskellers the phrase ‘smart contract’ might bring up some vague inclinations of contracts in languages like Racket, but the term is increasingly coming to mean an interesting way of writing and executing stored procedure programs on an immutable distributed database. The technology is very early but is piquing the interesting of people like myself who see an amazing potential of the ideas, but also the peril and human cost of building the technology on top of a set of foundations that lacks rigor and discipline.


There are a few definitions of smart contracts, that most applicable here is:

Smart contracts are executable programs run on top of an immutable distributed database whose inputs and outputs are maintained globally consistent by a distributed consensus protocol.

In particular I’m not constraining the definition to contracts that run on a blockchain which is a specific minimal implementation of a distributed database which has certain properties that are amenable to creation of so-called cryptocurrencies. Probably the biggest turnoff from looking at this technology is that the community around the technology is populated by particularly vocal cryptoanarchists with fringe views. And while those people do exist, there are also a lot of people like myself who are interested in the technology independent of the currency component, for it’s pure applications in database, programming language theory, and distributed systems.

On the industrial side of the space there are several emerging platforms on which to deploy smart contracts:

Ripple Codius
Intel Sawtooth
Hyperledger Fabric
R3 Corda
Raft with Stored Procedures
With the exception of Ethereum most of the platforms are not in a usable state and some of which are quite likely vaporware.

Technical Details

The current state of the art, Ethereum is a public blockchain that embed a Turing-complete virtual machine that can be scripted in a language known as Solidity.

In PL parlance an Etheruem-flavored smart contract is basically a Smalltalk object that allows message passing through transactions on a blockchain. The code is deployed by it’s owner and then anyone on the network can interact it with it by message passing which may result in data or state changes on the global network. The execution occurs on the ‘miners’ on the network who execute the contract code with the inputs and outputs specified in the transaction and compute a solution to a RAM-hard SHA inversion problem called Ethash which adds the new block to the chain and updates the global state of contract network. Whichever miner solves the problem first gets to append the newly hashed block and the process continues ad-infinitum with the global network converging on consensus.

From a programming language perspective this introduces the non-trivial constraint that programs must necessarily terminate. The current implementation accomplishes this by attaching a cost semantics to each opcode in the virtual machine that expends a finite resource called ‘gas’ that is a function of the current block. In programming language space smart contracts are necessarily total programs meaning they must probably terminating.

Solidity, while being an interesting proof of concept, is dangerously under-contained and very difficult to analyze statically. As a case in point, I gave a talk on this subject to room full of veteran programmers (database and operating system architects) and even after walking through the basic structure of the code none of the them could figure out where the bug in this basic code was.

contract Coin {
    mapping (address -> uint) balances;
    function Coin() {}

    function() {
        balances[msg.sender] += msg.amount;

    function sendAll(address recipient){
        if (balances[msg.sender] > 0) {
            balances[recipient] = balances[msg.sender];
            balances[msg.sender] = 0;

    function withdraw() {
        uint toSend = balances[msg.sender];
        bool success =;
        if (success)
            balances[msg.sender] = 0; // Vulnerable to call-stack attack
The basic structure of this contract is the construction of a token which is pegged to a specific amount of the ambient currency on Ethereum called ‘ether’. The contract allows people to exchange the values, send their balance to another recipient or withdraw their balance back. the function() behaves like Smalltalk’s message-not-understood and handles calls that don’t invoke a method a contract.

The particular problem with this contract is that the send in the withdraw function is particularly dangerous to an exploit when invoked from a malicious contract which repeatedly call into the contract and then implement a default function which calls withdraw repeatedly until the maximum call-stack (1023) of the contract is reached and the balance is never zeroed-out.

contract Malicious {
    Coin toAttack = Coin(coin_address);
    bool shouldAttack = true;

    function Malicious() {;

    function() {
        if (shouldAttack && msg.sender == coin_address) {
            shouldAttack = false;

    function attack(){
This is a subtle bug and really indicates how difficult it is to reason about these kind of contracts are to analyze using current schools of thought.


I first heard about the DAO contract from the New York Times from a friend of mine who works in venture who was very excited about the model of distributed autonomous organizations and automated venture pools . The article outlined all of the systemic and social structural problems and casually made the somewhat prescient remark “Young, complex machines tend to have flaws and vulnerabilities that you can’t anticipate”. Two weeks later the same class of bug as the above code was exploited and the contract was compromised in one of the more spectacular failures around this new technology. Of note is that underlying protocol behaved exactly as specified, and the bug was simply a fact of the contract language not making invalid states unrepresentable and making it too hard to reason about.

At the heart of this statement is getting at the deeper problem of “How we do we know what the code will do before we run it”. The answer to this question is obvious to most of us who have read the literature of programming language semantics and it’s associated theories of verification, but this still remains a fairly niche domain in CS education and we’re seeing the manifestation of that in projects like Solidity which are making the same mistakes of the past instead of standing on the shoulders of work that is already done.

If anything, the precedent after the DAO-hack is that software verification is no longer purely in the realm of academics and hobbyists and the latest work in dependent type theory, model checkers, and types has suddenly found immediate relevance that needs no further explanation other than to prevent these kind of catastrophic failures from happening again. More importantly in the Haskell ecosystem we have an abundance of riches with regards to tools for software verification from tools like QuickCheck, SBV, and best in class support for compile design and domain language implementation.


It’s an exciting new emerging field and more interesting for us, the ideas and technology is precisely at the intersection of Haskell’s strengths and would drastically benefit from the enthusiasm and expertise of people who are willing to dabble in the more formal side of programming. The maturation of technology is likely to occur in 2017 but the foundations are being laid this year. The technology is a bit early, but hopefully some of the light are going off in your head when you consider the exciting new applications of programmable distributed ledgers endowed with the strengths of modern tools like Haskell.

Author of the article Stephen Diehl
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