I personally would trust a real human person over an AI/bot for that situation any given day.
Even more so if it's a person I know to a degree or a well known figure.
Good point. Having a human escrow is good and I've tried transacting with it and it was a successful one. Now, we can't dedny the fact that some of the escrows scams their clients especially when they are not a legitimate one. I don't have any concerns about Human escrow but if gibevn a chance, I will choose AI escrows rather than human due to these reasons:
1. Availability - Sometimes escrows are too busy to have a client. So finding an escrow would take some time. Plus, a well developed AI will perform faster I think in organizing transactions.
2. Automated - It is more organized when you are going to use AI escrow as you don't have to vouch the person for its reputation because it is automated.