I was bored and decided to grab the last year's closing prices (365 days) for the Dow Jone Industrial Average (DJIA),
Gold, Bitcoin (BTC), and Crude Oil (I also did Lean Hog, but it began to clutter up the graph) and line graph
the data to see how it would all look together.
I was expecting to see some signs that when the DJIA went down, that Gold and/or BTC would go up,
and obviously the reverse would happen if the DJIA would go up.
Assuming that BTC price rise is really associated with Demand, and that Demand should be from individuals/institutions
that wish to diversify their holdings into other areas as a hedge against financial downturns, I was surprised to see the
following data.
As Oil prices began to crash, BTC prices started to rise/react. There was no real significant changes with DJIA or Gold.
The rise of BTC to the fall of Crude is not exact, but it seems more related than with DJIA or Gold.
- Do you think that Crude Oil and BTC are actual anti-correlated pairs?
- Could bitcoin (BTC) actually be likened more to a digital-oil, compared to a digital-gold?
- Why (according to this graph) would adoption or demand of bitcoin (BTC) be associated with Crude Oil price?
- If this is actually correct (and not just coincidence), what could this mean?