
Topic: Why is no one talking about the 178,000 Unconfirmed transactions? (Read 327 times)

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This has been a topic for so long now, and probably peope are used to this kind of happening in Bitcoin.  Eventually this unconfirmed transaction will be confirmed so there is nothing for the community to be worried about.  Aside from that, most of the case, this unconfirmed transactions are just spam transaction that are intentionally created to FUD Bitcoin market and push the price of Bitcoin down and it is not as effective as before since doing the trick again and again will nullify its effectiveness.
Activity: 140
Merit: 11
It probably has to do with lots of new people investing in btc because they read about it in the news,without knowing much about transaction fees, so I think those transactions with very small fees are clogging the blockchain. This probably was a problem all along, but wasn't this obvious because the number of new investors was small until recently.
Activity: 101
Merit: 0
I would like to hear your comments on this.

how do you know about these unconfirmed transactions???
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
This matter has been here for months already. It seems that unconfirmed transactions are normal in bitcoin, but no one bats an eye on it.
sr. member
Activity: 545
Merit: 251

Ya this is getting nuts. When will the mempool be addressed ?

full member
Activity: 658
Merit: 108
Now at the time of posting the number of unconfirmed transactions has increased to 217000. But I think there's nothing to worry about. We have experienced similar issues several times. Every thing will go back to normal very soon.
Activity: 2
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well probably, majority of them are amounts sent with little fee or something similar. Like How I tried to send 1$ with fee lower then regular that was offered or someone that's new to bitcoin accidentally made a transaction with a lower fee and trust me that happens more than you think.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
I would like to hear your comments on this.
Another topic the same thing ,but answer is still "dont spread panic". Lips sealed
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
victim of his own success? outdated technology? no one wants to talk about it for fear that the price will fall
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I saw it on another thread, so yes, a lot of people is talking about this and it is not a new stuff in here.

I received a payment yesterday on my wallet and it has not been confirmed yet, i do not know what the hell is happening with the blockchain.

Just look at the stats of blockchain, there has been a guy who paid out $3000 in order to send a payment of $50000, that is insane, probably the most expensive fee that i have ever seen.

In fact, the one who sent me the payment yesterday paid over $12 worth of fees, and it has not even received the first confirmation yet.

i dont know why we are so colapsed right now, because the hashpower is not switching anywhere, it is just because the hype that bitcoin is having right now?
Activity: 166
Merit: 43
I would like to hear your comments on this.
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