Well from what i have seen the old school group around here that knew that dudes name is long gone mostly.
that guy was like a shitcoin maker and famous P&D'er from like 2014? man thats even a little bit before my time on this forum
V systems got like no hype here when it was launched, and has been a ghosttown ever since. IMo the coin was probably just sunny running out of money he made from b4 finally lol so back for more
I thought that Sunny was one of the first innovative altcoin coders, and i am not sure if there's any proof about pump&dumps made by him
even though if an altcoin didn't have pump and dump back then it was more like an exception.
But yeah, back then there weren't as much competition so that the value of the coder from those times could be half skill-based and half to be valued in terms of respect and nostalgy.