It is now obvious that the whole issue of Assad and the seran gas was false reporting, probably orchestrated by the deep state. Evidence seems to support the fact that Assad attacked a chlorine gas weapons manufacturing unit run by the Islamic State. It seems that Trump had to bow to pressure to take action, and thus the pantomime started. His action in ensuring that there were no Russian casualties probably averted a third world war.
Why isn't he being given credit for an inspired act of diplomacy in the face of the treasonous deep state media fake publicity?
What evidence suggests that chlorine gas was used? Chlorine gas causes distinct and identifiable resputory injuries that werrnt reported, this was most likely sarin. Given the difficulty of manufacturing sarin in the amounts required for state violence (it is difficult but possible for the small amounts needed for small terrorist attacks).
Also, when did IS get planes?
And last but not least, is Trump not Commander in Chief? He would have to sign off on this, even though he has given more individual brevity to military officials to acts as they will. If not Trump, what elected official should be held responsible for this, in your opinion?
And what motivation would the deep state have to attack Assad's regime? That is, how would the US benefit from this action, specifically deep state actors (which I assume are the letter Intel agencies, they don't have donors, and the war complex as well).