You underestimate the idiocy of people in class we wrote a paper with the school laptops. The laptop had a intel inside sticker what was curved on one of the corners so it hit my arm arm all the time annoingly. I was taking ut off and the teacher said:"Stop! It is there for a reason. The computer might not work without it. Im pretty sure the principal wont like it if we take it off without asking." Really wanted to take it off. But didnt want detention (yeah she threatened me with detention if i took it off.)
And you expect these people to use bitcoin? No way they can understand it.
The good thing? We don't need them
to understand it.
Its their fault if they don't want to learn how to use it.Fixed your post for you. The same people use PayPal, credit cards, online banking, VOIP (even if they don't know it), etc. If Bitcoin gets big enough they will use "Bitcoin" as well. The company who can make Bitcoin brain dead simple for the masses will laugh all the way to the wallet.dat. We probably are years away from that but it will be an evolution over time. Will they use the QT reference client, participate as a full node, and maintain regular backups of their wallet.dat protected by a strong passphrase? Of course not but they won't have to.
As much as I think Apple is massively overhyped (and overpriced), you have to give them credit. They are very good at making complex things insanely simple. They just work. Apple is the toaster of the computing world. Nobody reads the instruction manual on a toaster, you plug it in, put bread it, and
toast comes out. It might have something to do with magnets or quantum mechanics, but let the magnet engineers and physics nerds figure it out. Bread in, toast out; the consumer doesn't need to know more than that and doesn't care enough to know more. If the toaster stops working, you toss it in the trash and get a new one. Don't try to open one up, I heard that if the quantums fall out and then you need to call the EPA.
Nobody has made the Bitcoin (wallet) equivalent of a toaster yet but it will happen. It probably won't be trust free, because zero trust means 100% responsibility and honestly most people don't really want that. They want to be protected, if it is backed by a big company, with an insurance policy they will gladly use it.