It was mentioned to me in a personal email to me from other members of this forum who suffer from Intersango's not-any-withdraw-proceesed-for-6-weeks like I do. Since you questioned about it, I looked up wikipedia and found that untrue. Amir Taaki is a British citizen. So, the question why they choose poland remain open.
That same email cited that Amir Taaki is no longer associated with Intersango, so now I have to question that as well, but couldn't find any source answering that. It is important to me personally, because there are 3-years worth of salary of bitcoins that I deposited into Intersango and as soon as people complain withdraws are put on hold (early January 2014), I requested withdraw, and the request is put on hold "Waiting for staff action" (still is). So you see I have an interest to find out what is happening.