at least is not volatile anymore, that's good
no, that's bad.
i consider bitcoin a failure when it can't even get past $650
we need orders of magnitude more to be able to be called anything of value in a world where trillions mean nothing anymore.
lets talk about "stability" when/if it gets to $50,000.
Well, BTC is below $650 and has been for a while now.
Since you consider it a failure I suggest you sell all of your BTC, if you have any, leave, and don't come back.
Seriously, we cannot sustain $50,000 in this era or the next or even the next because then we would be using too much of the world electrical power production. See my thread: cannot
sustain $100,000/BTC or even $50,000/BTC until maybe 2033. Bubbles caused by greed sure, sustained price no way.
BTW $600 is just fine. It can stay here for a while as far as users, as opposed to speculators, are concened. Staying at one price is called stability and it is good from a user's point of view.