I want to do a transaction (sendtoaddress), but I see that the receiver doesn't get the amount sent.
Stackoverflow question
https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/110858/why-the-receiver-doesnt-get-any-bitcoin-on-the-balance-if-sendtoaddress-or-sendThe regtest node started
bitcoind -rpcuser=test -rpcpassword=test -regtest -rpcport=16591 -fallbackfee=0.000045
My service class to interact with bitcoind API
const httpClient = require('axios');
const bitcoindConfig = {
url: 'http://localhost:16591',
headers: { 'content-type': 'text-plain' },
auth: {
username: 'test',
password: 'test'
class BitcoinService {
_bitcoindRpcCall({ reqMethod = 'POST', walletName, method, params = [] } = {}) {
const options = {
url: walletName ? bitcoindConfig.url + `/wallet/${walletName}` : bitcoindConfig.url,
method: reqMethod,
data: JSON.stringify({'jsonrpc': '1.0', 'id': 'curltext', 'method': method, 'params': params}),
headers: bitcoindConfig.headers,
auth: bitcoindConfig.auth
return httpClient(options);
listWallets() {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'listwallets' });
createWallet({ walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'createwallet', params: [walletName] });
getNewAddress({ walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'getnewaddress', walletName });
getBalance({ walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'getbalance', walletName });
listUnspent({ walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'listunspent', walletName });
dumpPrivKey({ address, walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'dumpprivkey', params: [address], walletName });
listTransactions({ walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'listtransactions', walletName });
generateToAddress({ address, nBlocks, walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'generatetoaddress', params: [nBlocks, address], walletName });
getTransaction({ txId, walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'gettransaction', params: [txId], walletName });
getRawTransaction({ txId, walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'getrawtransaction', params: [txId], walletName });
decodeRawTransaction({ hexString }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'decoderawtransaction', params: [hexString] });
// https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/rpc/wallet/sendtoaddress/
async sendToAddress({ walletName, amount, toAddress, comment = '', commentTo = '', subtractFeeFromAmount = true } = {}) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({
method: 'sendtoaddress',
params: [toAddress, amount, comment, commentTo, subtractFeeFromAmount],
// https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/rpc/rawtransactions/createrawtransaction/
async createRawTransaction({ walletName, amount, toAddress }) {
const { data: { result: txs } } = await this.listUnspent({ walletName });
const inputs = [];
let n = amount;
let i = 0;
while (n > 0 && i < txs.length) {
const tx = txs[i++];
inputs.push({ txid: tx.txid, vout: tx.vout });
n -= tx.amount;
const outputs = [
{ [toAddress]: amount }
console.log('inputs, outputs', inputs, outputs);
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'createrawtransaction', params: [inputs, outputs] });
// https://chainquery.com/bitcoin-cli/signrawtransactionwithwallet
signRawTransactionWithWallet({ hexString, walletName }) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'signrawtransactionwithwallet', params: [hexString], walletName });
// https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.17.0/rpc/rawtransactions/sendrawtransaction/
sendRawTransaction({ hexString, allowHighFees = true } = {}) {
return this._bitcoindRpcCall({ method: 'sendrawtransaction', params: [hexString] });
async rawTransaction({ walletName, amount, toAddress }) {
let res = await this.createRawTransaction({ walletName, amount, toAddress });
res = await this.signRawTransactionWithWallet({ hexString: res.data.result, walletName });
return this.sendRawTransaction({ hexString: res.data.result.hex });
Two wallets created: alice and bob
const btc = new BitcoinService();
res = await btc.createWallet({ walletName: 'bob' });
console.log('create bob wallet', res.data);
// { result: { name: 'bob', warning: '' }, error: null, id: 'curltext' }
res = await btc.createWallet({ walletName: 'alice' });
console.log('create alice wallet', res.data);
// { result: { name: 'alice', warning: '' }, error: null, id: 'curltext' }
Check whether the wallets exist
res = await btc.listWallets();
console.log('listwallets', res.data);
// { result: [ 'bob', 'alice' ], error: null, id: 'curltext' }
Create addresses for the wallets
let aliceAddr;
let bobAddr;
res = await btc.getNewAddress({ walletName: 'alice' });
aliceAddr = res.data.result;
console.log('alice addr', aliceAddr);
// bcrt1qn4w4futa4j0mrt6frqn9u9zg9n5s9dvaeh2mrl
res = await btc.getNewAddress({ walletName: 'bob' });
bobAddr = res.data.result;
console.log('bob addr', bobAddr);
// bcrt1qecashk27r403nkeq09gvpfnr7dgfeet9xk97m5
Generate bitcoin for alice
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
res = await btc.generateToAddress({ address: aliceAddr, nBlocks: 101 });
console.log('generate bitcon for alice', res.data);
// hashes in the output
Check balance
// Get balance
res = await btc.getBalance({ walletName: 'alice' });
console.log('alice balance', res.data);
// { result: 126.85546875, error: null, id: 'curltext' }
res = await btc.getBalance({ walletName: 'bob' });
console.log('bob balance', res.data);
// { result: 0, error: null, id: 'curltext' }
Send bitcoin from alice to bob
res = await btc.sendToAddress({ walletName: 'alice', toAddress: bobAddr, amount: 0.1 });
console.log('alice sends to bob', res.data);
// {
// result: '0ae84b140e3be5d4933daa4f25e3d1cd5c02b9485ede54ad4c24a91e7d0d28f2',
// error: null,
// id: 'curltext'
// }
Checking the balance again
res = await btc.getBalance({ walletName: 'alice' });
console.log('alice balance', res.data);
// { result: 126.75546875, error: null, id: 'curltext' }
res = await btc.getBalance({ walletName: 'bob' });
console.log('bob balance', res.data);
// { result: 0, error: null, id: 'curltext' }
The alice balance was decreased by 0.1 as expected.
Why is there no amount on the bob balance?Also, I tried the sendrawtransaction, same result, bob got no bitcoin on the balance.
res = await btc.rawTransaction({ walletName: 'alice', toAddress: bobAddr, amount: 0.1 })
console.log('alice sends raw transaction', res.data);
// {
// result: 'e1fc8cc8bbe38bdd793ff1f87ca59a52d90c9fa1523d93d166f6a53209bc5e56',
// error: null,
// id: 'curltext'
// }
But I can list the transaction that bob received
res = await btc.listTransactions({ walletName: 'bob' });
console.log('bob transactions', res.data);
bob transactions {
result: [
address: 'bcrt1qyrjp4kcar7c60842zmd38wnwjxlgjhj6550nev',
category: 'receive',
amount: 0.1,
label: '',
vout: 0,
confirmations: 0,
trusted: false,
txid: 'e1fc8cc8bbe38bdd793ff1f87ca59a52d90c9fa1523d93d166f6a53209bc5e56',
walletconflicts: [],
time: 1637406810,
timereceived: 1637406810,
'bip125-replaceable': 'no'
address: 'bcrt1qyrjp4kcar7c60842zmd38wnwjxlgjhj6550nev',
category: 'receive',
amount: 0.1,
label: '',
vout: 0,
confirmations: 0,
trusted: false,
txid: 'd4de85ff41b0386808b60a8ec0028923c42a2bc1667e5b8a7b865cacf21abd5d',
walletconflicts: [],
time: 1637407520,
timereceived: 1637407520,
'bip125-replaceable': 'no'
address: 'bcrt1qyrjp4kcar7c60842zmd38wnwjxlgjhj6550nev',
category: 'receive',
amount: 0.1,
label: '',
vout: 0,
confirmations: 0,
trusted: false,
txid: '573d8ef6b72fa3e029f3207ddc8b5f03a248e88b4ae643bc66be38ae84ffa01f',
walletconflicts: [],
time: 1637407554,
timereceived: 1637407554,
'bip125-replaceable': 'no'
address: 'bcrt1qyrjp4kcar7c60842zmd38wnwjxlgjhj6550nev',
category: 'receive',
amount: 0.1,
label: '',
vout: 0,
confirmations: 0,
trusted: false,
txid: '4fa4efff12348f0916cec1b39e47cf19ceb1aa91b7236f7c67905b2eef34433a',
walletconflicts: [],
time: 1637407824,
timereceived: 1637407824,
'bip125-replaceable': 'no'
error: null,
id: 'curltext'