One of the reason is the pull out of Paypal from pornhub
I mean if you can't really pay with one of the largest payment processor, who are the winner here? Clearly its XVG (You can buy it on exchanges, from merchants and anywhere)
It has low fees, "chargeback" proof, and also easier to acquire imo
No that wasn't the case for paypal pulling out their services with pornhub. It was a mistake made by pornhub that they did not ask a permission from paypal to do certain payments. Now what do pornhub are up to? Instead of getting a quick send dollar to paypal, they use crypto to pay their performers which is Verge, and is also trying to put some other cryptocurrency option. This is most likely to be BTC, ETH and LTC since it is growing in the recent years. I just don't know why pornhub did not acquire the bitcoin first, they could've had it first since it is widely known.
Well no idea for VECHAIN, but on its technical side, its on a strong bull trend tho
Vechain is a public blockchain platform for enterprising and business processing. As far as I know it is from China. The reason why they are up for the moment is the partnership from two companies and recent launching of new businesses.