
Topic: "Why we developed PeekTime?" or, in a more grandiose tone, "PeekTime Manifesto". (Read 5 times)

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"In a world where dominant social platforms exploit the human psyche's vulnerabilities, our attention is absorbed, and the freedom of choice becomes constrained by the interests of advertisers. In response, PeekTime represents an alternative, offering a new evolution path in social networks."

Our philosophy is easily understood. Social platforms should use artificial intelligence and digital technologies to enhance intellectual potential, creativity, and aesthetic user perception. As the superficial and inconsequential content of traditional social networks seeks only to increase the number of ad views, our business model counters this mental exhaustion. Consequently, we prioritize human interests' development and tailor our technological and commercial offers to those interests.
We know digital space personalization aims to increase ad views by capturing and retaining user attention. This issue relates to the features of traditional business models, where the primary revenue source directly influences ethical standards and socially accepted behavior. Commercial goals are achieved through strategies that capture and retain attention through meticulously optimized recommended content.

In response to this issue, «PeekTime» employs a business model based on the following fundamental principles:

Content moderation and recommendation by ethical algorithms' usage.
We analyze and suggest content based on our community's ethical principles, considering the interests and users' well-being.
User control.
We ensure enhanced transparency in user data processing and provide extensive options to control the suggested content.
Licensing for trust and cooperation enhancement.
We strengthen our licensing system designed for users and businesses. The system provides both sides access to exclusive opportunities and strengthens commercial relationships through mutual trust.
Beneficial social interaction.
We foster the creation of robust and secure resources, encouraging meaningfully contributing users. Furthermore, we offer opportunities for knowledge, skills, and creativity exchange.
Educational content promotion.
We work with high-quality, informative content that expands the user's knowledge, skills, and creativity.
Alternative monetization models' creation.
We implement a variety of monetization methods independent of advertising revenue or ad views count.
These principles [/size]contribute to the creation of a healthier digital environment. In it, users' attention and well-being are the priority, not merely tools for monetization.

PeekTime's mission is to make each day dynamic and eventful by:
  • Inspiring active lifestyle in the real world.
  • Helping with interests development.
  • Finding like-minded people.
  • Exploring the vibrant places of the city.

Twitter: @0x0Elysium
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