Sometimes I swear the luckiest newbies are the ones who've never even heard of margin/leverage, because it's so easy to lose everything in a short period of time if you don't know what you're doing.
Yup and the author is trying to make sure that everybody finds out about leverage trading as soon as possible.
You know it's not very nice to talk about things you know nothing about to just get some more views for your steemit page and get some beginners in trading trapped into leveraged trading.
Oh, but he knows a lot, look at his name which by coincidence is the same name as the exchange that the steemit article points to, his other two little posts with timid shilling for snapex and you get the idea. Nobody is going to tell that you can lose all your money with their business, you don't see posters with beggars in the ads of casinos, you don't see pictures with poor people on the walls of a betting cafe.
Those things are just on the 134th page somewhere in the terms and conditions.
If you're still new to trading is preferable to stick to spot trading, the worst scenario will only result to you losing few percentage of your portfolio provided you had the stoploss feature setup.
A few percentages at a time, and if you lose twice in a raw you will take higher risks and those percentages will increase till there is one big flat zero in your account. I think that not only you shouldn't trade with money you are borrowing or you can't afford to lose but more important in trading I think that you need to know when to give up when it's clear you're not cut for this. Not everyone can be a good doctor, not everyone can be a successful trader if we could all be then there would be no more poverty in the world as we would be making tons of money.