I fully disclose that I am on the side of team "increase the block size", at least to 4MB for now but what is it that opponents worry so much?
There are lot of arguments against increasing the block size but I think the most convincing one is distribution of consensus rules enforcement. I, for one, don't think would be able to keep verifying on at least one of my wallets with (full) big blocks :/. With the current block chain size increase, some even milit for smaller blocks.
There has already been a block size increase (segwit).
Why bringing that topic now ? Raising the limit
now would have no effect as blocks are not full... It's been long time since I did a transaction with higher fees than 1sat/vbyte.
I think another concern we should have as of next halving is miner reward, and bigger blocks is arguably deserve them.
It is absolute clear that all the arguments against increasing the blocksize are not justified, at least not anymore considering the current miner landscape.
By what arguments aren't you convinced ? Or, better, what are arguments
for increasing the block size ?
Lightning is not the solution. Not for me!
Could you explain why ?
So what is in the way of going there? most miners would support the change.
Why ?
Aware that with 4MB, we would reach the limit again, but at least for now, BTC would be back to be what it was
What was it ? (According to your terms, apparently an exchange ticker...)
Then talking of which, why not reduce block time to ~5 minutes while we are at it? Whats the exact trade-off between 5 and 10 minutes?
More probability (theoritically) to have orphan blocks and reorgs. Block chain size increase (if enough transactions).
Another thing to think about is that even before discussing a consensus change, is to take into account the cost of this change. In other words the arguments for the change should outweight the (high) cost of a hard fork.
EDIT: And there is absolutely no need for this...