dow has loss more than 500point this day and nasdaq around 310 points. It is clear that another financial crisis is about to commence and I think bitcoin remains calm is a sign of confidence and strength.
To echo what was once supposed to be a bad joke: "Big slides in market valuation don't necessarily mean another financial crisis is imminent. It simply means we have significantly more sellers than buyers!"
On a more serious note, the latest crash may have been triggered by poor earnings reports by banks with trillions of dollars worth in outstanding derivatives. Banks may be considered pillars of the global economy. When concerns of instability or insolvency are manifested a sell off spurred on by kneejerk reactionaryism can occur. I think such represents the motive behind that 500 point losing trend(which appears to have reversed itself the following day btw).
I think as long as banks maintain liquidity and appear to have a credible plan for the forseeable future we can avoid a crash. But if the day arrives that banks look like they're in trouble, I think everyone knows banks woud drag markets and the global economy down with them and it would be bad. Perhaps worse than 2008, in that nations would have a more difficult time bailing them out or attempting to print their way out of liabilities.
Many appear to be avoiding bitcoin as they have no idea what to do with it if they owned any. I think bitcoin needs a famous youtuber or someone who bought a lot of bitcoin when it was cheap and profited massively from HODL to go public and share their success story. That appears to be what bitcoin is lacking. End user content distributed en masse which helps to bring bitcoin into the public consciousness where it can thrive.