
Topic: Will CANZUK replace the EU? (Read 160 times)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
August 12, 2020, 08:43:49 PM
EU president is just a glorified superviser to the MEP in EU parliament

the EU council president however directs and points the council in the direction of whats a priority and whats important
the council is the most important part. not the MEP

MEP are just spokesman asking (indirectly) the council to make their wishes a priority
the council then tells the commission to formal draft the priority into law and then the MEP agree it explains their wishes. and then the EU president hands it to the EU treasry to make it into a 'bil' to create funding to invest in the now legalised wishes

the councils are basically the guys with the whips, slapping people into action and doing a certain thing.

the councils are the prime-ministers of the eu countries

and so the MEP are the lower tier echo chambers of wishes the citizens might like and hoping the council hears those wishes

so yea its not the MEP its the individual EU countries prime ministers supervised by the council president

when local countries elections happen. people vote on their local 'brand' of politics.
each brand doesnt let citizens vote on who the leader of that brand is. but the local brand members do

so it is election based. but the citizens didnt vote in the top leader

anyway now i corrected you on how EU politics work.. ill make this simple explanation
if EU individual countries left the EU then there is no council and no MEP

however saying they would leave due to no military decision in nato due to jetcash myths of canzuk takeovers. wont disband the EU
the EU model is based on politics and economy not military

it would have to be a economic decision to leave the EU not a military decision

other highlights is that brussels has to be very friendly wish france just as much as the UK
because france has economic ties to the caribbean islands canada and some Polynesian/asian area's

its really worth digging into the overlaps to see the spiders web catching the flies rather then getting freaked out by the spider
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
August 12, 2020, 04:57:42 AM
The City of London elite and its friends already controls the EU, why would they want to continue with it once it has served its purpose?

If you don't believe me, then ask yourself who does control the EU. It isn't the MEPs, but an unelected body, and who decides on its membership. Follow the money, and it goes back to the Anglophone empire.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
August 12, 2020, 04:41:33 AM
Will CANZUK replace the EU?

No, I'm sure it won't. No doubt the existing ties between the countries will remain (Five Eyes, as you say). But it's inconceivable that this alliance will replace the role that was served by the EU. The principle difference is geography. Freedom of trade and movement between these far-flung nations has next to no impact when compared with these freedoms with the UK as part of the European bloc.

The UK for whatever reason (let's not get into that) has decided to go it alone in the world. If the country is looking to be part of a bigger group, then rejoining the EU might be the obvious answer. Language is not a barrier when English is the de facto international language anyway. Geography however is a barrier. Australia/NZ links make perfect sense. Australia/UK less so.

As an aside, the idea of forming a common group with Commonwealth countries and increasing its importance would I think appeal to Brexiters as I suspect what many of them really want is a return to the days of Empire.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
August 11, 2020, 09:51:13 AM
binary thinking of extremes is jetcash's usual flaw

there wont be a one world government
too many people have too many differing views for that
there wont even be a 2 opposition world

in a multilayered world that we actually live in
there is the military which jetcash is saying will replace nato with his buzzword "canzuk" to abolish the euro
reality is hypothetical of removing the euro influence in purely military matters. not abolishing the EU entirely
its like saying united states of america wont exist if the pentagon was replaced with a hexagon

EU wont disappear if nato was replaced with 'canzuk'
just the EU would be less military power and still retain the populous/financial/political power over its citizens
(emphasis: EU will still have the economic/social structure)

euro if abolished from nato, may end up joining a brics foundation of military
and looking at the population numbers.  the amount of euro-asian-indian population would far outpace an american-australian-canadian-british military
especially knowing the manufacturing abilities of india and asia.

as for the social/economical. there are many commonwealths and some countries are tied to several as 'passageways' between one commonwealth and another

UK had US but US didnt have EU
UK had EU but the EU didnt have US
so US needed UK to get access into EU (facebook in irelend to bypass the us/eu tarrifs)
UK has canada but canada doesnt have india
UK has india but india doesnt have canada
so canada needs UK to get access to inda without the standard canadian/indian tarrifs

so while brics might be brazil,russia,india,china, south africa
and amero which would be america, canada,mexico

they each would appear as 2 'monetary unions' completely separate. but the reality is
australia would link america with asia/africa
UK would link america to europe/asia
UK would link america with EU (yep even without being part of the EU)
UK would link america with india
and there would still be cross-partnerships and not much true oppositions
thus military orders would get voted based on who has most ties or lack of ties

in otherwords UK wont vote on american incursions into india/europe.
meaning the only vote UK would give is on countries not in these commonwelaths. (middle east/north korea)
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
August 11, 2020, 07:39:36 AM
This is something I have been suggesting in this forum for over a year, and it is interesting that it is starting to appear in political comments.for example -

CANZUK will be an alliance between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. They are 4 members of the Five Eyes alliance, the fifth member being the US. The Five Eyes Alliance is the dominant military force in the world at the moment, and it is a tool of the Anglophone empire. I don't believe that the EU was ever intended to survive, and it was just a temporary instrument to destabilise European economies and social structures. It has served that purpose. The Anglophone empire aspirations go right back to the Knights Templar, and many wealthy dynasties support it, such as the Rothschilds, The British Crown, The Rockefellers, The Clintons, The Koch brothers, and many others.

It is inconceivable that the US will not be a significant associate of the CANZUK alliance if it is created.
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