Too many people got caught up in the bubble, ate up the hype and thought blockchain was a lot bigger than it really was. Today we have people like Jeffrey Robinson, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank who put the estimates of users at 250,000 and less. No alternate, not even Litecoin, even hits 25% of that tiny estimate.
Good news: Bitcoin's user base does appear to be exponentially doubling every 8 months.
Bad News: It's still obscure as hell and probably needs a good 6 years until it can rival the early search engines.
In Ethereum's case - they played a lot of people for suckers. Google in the mid-1990s only received investments in the six figure ranges and they were going into a market that had a proof of concept (Yahoo, by the very late 1990s, had over 100 million users and was well off).
Ethereum on the hand hand collected $18 million in an industry which has 250,000 or less users (so no proof of concept, especially in the user adoption sense). So 500x less market and 10-50x more initial capital, should we suspect something?