I keep reading about bank accounts in the UK, US and EU being frozen due to crypto associations.
"Blessing in disguise". I would like to hope that these events will push the development of the crypto sphere back on the right track, otherwise these centralized exchanges turned out to be overly influential, which is not at all beneficial for decentralization.
This is concerning me, and I am reluctant now to use any exchanges to purchase Bitcoin.
This can't help but worry. But this may be the beginning of a trend change (avoiding exchangers) towards P2P.
However, I am happy to purchase crypto via P2P transactions.
Like at the dawn of the era of bitcoin? I didn’t notice the abundance of users on Bisq. Maybe account freezes will have a beneficial effect on their user base?
These can be either cash payments in a face-to-face meeting, or by bank transfer to a trusted person's personal account.
From the point of view of the “
purity” of the transaction without traces,
“cash payments in a face-to-face meeting” looks the best, but there are concerns about who might come to the deal? An armed robber out to pick your pockets, or a peace officer out to arrest you (if crypto is illegal in your country). In some cases, this may be the same person.
"bank transfer to a trusted person's personal account" can also be blocked, right?
Will this be the future of Bitcoin for us mere mortals, or will sanity prevail and allow us to return to using exchanges?
I would prefer exchangers, but without KYC. Is such a future possible? It seems to me that no.
Now, what about crypto-to-crypto exchanges? Will government oversight and intervention restrict those.
It seems to me that this cannot be regulated: an anonymous address (token #1) sent to another anonymous address (token #2). But what’s the point of this if you can’t buy much in the physical world with either token #1 or token #2? This will require money from the traditional monetary system.
This could lead to decentralised swop services, and surely this is contrary to the wishes of the banking puppet masters?
Decentralization is wonderful and any problem that arises always forces us to look for solutions. I would like it to be the same in this case. Because of this, the problem that has arisen will push the crypto community to create new (or improve old) convenient P2P exchange platforms.