We saw a 20% increase in difficulty and its only going to get worse. Mining
consumes to much power and imo won't be worth it (even for deep pockets).
Maybe I am missing something but how people continue to mine with the price dropping and difficulty rising? I
do have a terraminer running and I'm about to take it offline, so please someone convince me its a bad idea to stop
I think you got it backwards. Miners set the rates. They are the only ones who
create new supply!
I don't think you understand, miners don't set the price fyi. Otherwise the price would be thousands per coin.
Sellers set the rates. If everyone agreed not to sell their bitcoins for less than $2000/BTC, and if nobody cheated and sold for less than the agreement, then buyers would be forced to pay $2000/BTC if they wanted bitcoins. This would cause the current bitcoins exchange rate to immediately become $2000/BTC.
If sellers are willing to part with what they have for less, then the exchange rate drops to whatever they are willing to sell it for.
No. If everyone agreed not to buy bitcoins with more than $1999/BTC, and if nobody cheated and bought with more than the agreement, the transaction volume will become zero.