Please keep in mind that I am agnostic as to what is going to happen. If it dips significantly, I'm buying. If it breaks $50, I'm buying. Please keep this in mind and try not to get too incensed over this poll. It's all just a game anyway.
I will simply quote my post from another thread:
There seems to be some consensus that this coming monday, 3/11/13, is a turning point. With new money coming in, we will either get a massive run up, or a decline from people holding trying to sell to the new buyers. Right now we are in limbo; no one has any way of knowing what will happen before then.
Will speculators continue to buy until Sunday night, in order to have more BTC on hand to sell to the new buyers on Monday? Or will some piece of news or a rumor or a general emotion take hold over enough holders and they'll sell before the price falls Monday?
Will enough new money and demand show up on Monday to override any sell off that may occur? At what point does the tide turn?
Many questions, few answers. As time goes on, the answers will either reveal themselves or at least become less vague. This is my rationale behind waiting until at least Sunday night before buying in. Buying now, to me, is more emotional than based in reason. Emotional in that there is simply hope that enough new buy orders will show up monday to keep the price where it is or drive it up. Waiting for this to confirm itself, or at least become more likely, seems more reasoned to me.
And if it does go up a few dollars and the gains either hold or continue Monday? I've only lost out on a few dollars per coin, which won't amount to much if the price continues up.
And it seems most of my threads attract eternal longs. I don't really understand why someone looking five or ten years down the line, and ONLY concerned with the long-very long term, would even reply to posts concerning intervals measured in shorter distances than years? Not that you aren't welcome, too. We can all prognosticate together!
(queue monster truck rally voice)
Monday, Monday, Monday!