Thanks! My hashrate is 1 Gigahash.
Your average daily income:
(((((Hashrate (hashes/sec) * average block reward * 600 * 65535) / 2^48) / Difficulty) * 6 * 24)
Your hashrate: 1000000000
Average block reward: 12.66584503
BTC (including fees)
Difficulty: 15466098935555
(((((1000000000 * 12.66584503 * 600 * 65535) / 2^48) / 15466098935555) * 6 * 24) = 1.6 satoshi's per day...
On average, you'll hit a block every 771.951.219 days. That's about once every 2.114.934 (two million) years. So, your odds of "winning" ~$125.000 is about 1 in 771.000.000 (each day). The odds of winning the lottery seem to be about 1 in 300.000.000 (source:
If your machine draws ~300 watts of power, and you pay 30 cents/kwh, 1 days of mining will cost you ~$2, it seems a powerball lottery ticket costs ~$2 (source: google), so: it's >2 times more likely to win the powerball lottery than it is to hit a BTC block for you (if you invest in powerball tickets instead of energy).
I must say i'm a complete noob when it comes to gambling, i have no idear what's special about powerball, but it seems a winning ticket is worth multiple millions, while a winning block is only worth ~$125.000, so investment-wise it would be better to buy powerball lottery tickets than it is to mine... Not only are the odds 2 times higher, the potential profit is also astronomically bigger.