Generally, yes, you'll be able to deduct your gambling losses but only to the extent of your winnings and you have to file your taxable income in order to do it. Anyone who files their income tax return faithfully has the right for this deduction.
Either way, it depends on the country, but you shouldn't be taxed if you are not gaining.
I agree. Every territory has their own tax rates when it comes to winnings. In our country, winnings are fully taxable and subject to 20% final tax in excess of 10,000. But for other countries, if you really do want to get the privilege of claiming itemized deductions in your taxes, better to report your income rightfully as well and keep your winnings history with you. Also consider that there are some policies where foreigners are not allowed to deduct their losses in their taxable income.
Which country are you talking about? I don't know about such gambling tax deduction in the US tax system.
The tax system in my country has imposed a 15% income tax on all registered gambling businesses(in addition to the 10% corporate profit tax). There isn't any tax deduction for gambling loss in my country, AFAIK. Having such tax deduction seems immoral and ridiculous. The gamblers would be incentivized to gamble more, because their loss will be deducted from their taxes. I don't know about any country in the world, whose tax system stimulates the gamblers to gamble more.
I want to ask the same because I have never heard of this in my entire life. Just now.
Maybe countries who really look deeper at their countrymen's taxes will do this but not in our country. I have a feeling though that maybe the rich people are being surveilled by this kind of activity so that there will be proof if ever they want to add it to their tax exemption records.
I've heard about institutions like charities that will help cut some of the individual tax but in terms of gambling, this is new to me. I thought that when you gamble you just risk your money, you lose, and voila no one cares.
Rich people, especially businessmen, take advantage of these kinds of tax laws. In order to reduce the tax that they have to pay, most of the time they report part of their income and claim any deductions that they have the right to. They usually hire people who can legally help them with their taxes and do tax avoidance.