When it comes to trading using my own hard-earned money, definitely I will not let AI control my trades because the chances to be successful is very slim. I would prefer to work on it through my own knowledge and skills in trading. There'll be some inevitable losses and it's normal for traders. But risking my funds just to adopt AI in my trades, that would never be possible.
Probably if I'm born with a golden spoon, I will try to adopt AI in my trades and just come what may, but I'm just a regular trader so I would stick using my own stocked knowledge in crypto trading.
If fully AI-integration or control then it wont be recommended but if it do acts as a tool or aid then it would be considerable i guess.In overall, it would really be that always better that you should really know on how to make use of your own trading skills on which you wont really be that making yourself that relying with any AI. It wont really be something that recommended that you should be making using about automation specially
on trying out to follow these Bots recommendation on which we know that they arent that good when it comes to some fundamentals. Yes, they could really be that relevant in terms of technical or information
aspects but when it comes to fundamentals then it isnt something that you could rely on.
This is why its always that better that you should be making use of that manual approach when it comes to trading so that you wont really be finding out yourself on regretting
just because you've been relying your price entry decisions into AI plus you cant really be that making that kind of skill enhancement or learning on which
nothing beats out if you do gain up things accordingly which it would really be that beneficial for long term.